solid | 5. firm, strong, a. (gen) teguh, kukuh: a house built on ~ foundations, rumah yg dibina di atas tapak yg kukuh;in spite of its age, the chair is ~, kerusi itu masih kukuh walaupun sudah tua; ~ reasons, alasan yg kukuh; ~ stocks, saham yg kukuh; ~ facts, fakta yg kukuh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
safe | from risk of loss, kukuh: a ~ stock to invest money in, stok yg kukuh utk melaburkan wang; his position as leader can be considered ~ now, kedudukannya sbg pemimpin boleh dianggap kukuh sekarang ini; this is a ~ Congress Party seat, ini ialah kerusi Parti Kongres yg kukuh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sound 2 | 3. reliable, strong, kukuh, teguh: he was able to defend his theory with ~ arguments, dia dapat mempertahankan teorinya dgn hujah-hujah yg kukuh; ~ logic, logik yg kukuh; he has built up a ~ business, dia telah membangunkan sebuah perniagaan yg kukuh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unsound | 5. based on faulty reasoning, tdk kukuh: a theory that is ~, teori yg tdk kukuh; the scheme is basically ~, skim itu pd asasnya tdk kukuh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
secure | 5. firm, kukuh: the catch of the necklace is not very ~, cangkuk kalung itu tdk begitu kukuh; these ledges will give you ~ footholds on the face of the cliff, belebas-belebas ini akan memberi kamu tempat berpijak yg kukuh pd tebing cenuram itu; make sure that the ladder is ~ before you start climbing it, pastikan tangga itu kukuh sebelum kamu memanjatnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
strong | 2. firm, sound, kuat, kukuh, teguh; (of chance) baik, teguh; (in health) kuat, sihat: ~ furniture, perabot yg kukuh; the country’s ~ defences helped to save the nation, pertahanan negara itu yg kukuh telah menyelamatkannya; all I can say is that our chances, are not very ~, yg boleh saya katakan ialah peluang yg ada tidaklah begitu teguh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stable 2 | 2. firmly fixed in position, stabil, kukuh: the wall is braced to make it ~, tembok itu disokong dgn rembat supaya kukuh; make sure the ladder is ~ before you climb it, pastikan tangga itu kukuh sebelum memanjatnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
conclusive | adj tdk dapat dipertikaikan, kukuh; (of argument) kukuh: ~ evidence, keterangan yg tdk dapat dipertikaikan; ~ proof of ownership, bukti pemilikan yg tdk dapat dipertikaikan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gilt-edged | adj 1. (of investment) kukuh: ~ bonds, bon kukuh; 2. having gilded edge, tepinya bersadur air emas: a ~ invitation card, kad jemputan yg tepinya bersadur air emas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
footing | n 1. secure grip with the feet, berpijak dgn kukuh: be careful of your ~ on the ice, hati-hati kamu berpijak dgn kukuh di permukaan yg berais itu; 2. basis, position, tapak: the organization is now is on a firm ~, persatuan itu sudah mempunyai tapak yg kukuh sekarang; be on a war ~, bersedia utk berperang; put st on a war ~, mengarahkan supaya sst bersedia utk berperang: the government decided to put the army on a war ~, kerajaan memutuskan utk mengarahkan supaya tentera bersedia utk berperang; 3. (status) kedudukan; (relationship) hubungan: to be on an equal ~, mempunyai kedudukan yg sama; she was on a friendly ~ with her neighbours, dia mempunyai hubungan yg mesra dgn jiran-jiran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |