wave | ~ so. away , menyuruh sso pergi dgn melambai(-lambai): he ~d me away to the side of the road, dia menyuruh saya pergi ke tepi jalan dgn melambai-lambai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sight | out of ~, hilang dr /pandangan, penglihatan/: they waved until the bus was out of ~, mereka melambai-lambai sehingga bas itu hilang dr pandangan; out of ~, out of mind, hilang di mata, hilang di hati; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wave | vi 1. signal with a wave of the hand, melambai: she ~d to us with her scarf, dia melambai kpd kami dgn skarfnya; he saw us, and ~d, dia nampak kami lalu melambai; he stood on the platform and ~d to us until the train was out of sight, dia berdiri di platform itu dan melambai kpd kami sehingga kereta api itu tdk kelihatan lagi; 2. move to and fro or up and down, melambai-lambai: banners ~d above the crowd, sepanduk yg melambai-lambai di tengah-tengah orang ramai; the tops of the coconut palms ~d in the wind, daun-daun kelapa itu melambai-lambai ditiup angin; 3. (of hair) grow in regular curls, berombak, berketak: his hair ~s naturally, rambutnya berombak semula jadi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wish | 3. express hope concerning the future or fortune of, mengucapkan: she ~ed all the pupils good luck in the examination, dia mengucapkan selamat berjaya kpd semua murid dlm peperiksaan itu; she waved and ~ed them a safe journey, dia melambai-lambai dan mengucapkan selamat jalan kpd mereka; we ~ you a happy New Year, kami mengucapkan selamat Tahun Baru; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pool 1 | n 1. small pond, kolam, lopak: the ebb-tide left ~s of water along the shore, air surut meninggalkan lopak-lopak di sepanjang pantai; 2. puddle, lumuran; (of light) sorotan: the wounded robber lay in a ~ of blood, perompak yg cedera parah itu terbaring dlm lumuran darah; the singer stood in a ~ of light waving to the fans, penyanyi itu berdiri di bawah sorotan cahaya sambil melambai-lambai peminatnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |