jaunty | adj 1. a. (of person) affecting sprightliness, self-confidence, lincah; b. showing person is self-confident, cheerful, etc, [various translations]: to walk with a ~ gait, berjalan dgn lincah; with a ~ wave of the hand, dgn lambaian riang; 2. smart, stylish, bergaya: a ~ bow, tali leher kupu-kupu yg bergaya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lazy | adj 1. unwilling to work, idle, malas: he is a ~ boy, dia budak yg malas; 2. characterized by inactivity, dgn bermalas-malas: they spent a ~ afternoon on the beach, mereka mengisi waktu petang dgn bermalas-malas di pantai; 3. characterized by slow movement, little effort, malas: a ~ smile, senyuman malas; with a ~ wave of his hand, dgn lambaian tangannya yg malas; a ~ river, sungai yg mengalir malas; ~ articulation, cara sebutan yg malas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lazy | adj 1. unwilling to work, idle, malas: he is a ~ boy, dia budak yg malas; 2. characterized by inactivity, dgn bermalas-malas: they spent a ~ afternoon on the beach, mereka mengisi waktu petang dgn bermalas-malas di pantai; 3. characterized by slow movement, little effort, malas: a ~ smile, senyuman malas; with a ~ wave of his hand, dgn lambaian tangannya yg malas; a ~ river, sungai yg mengalir malas; ~ articulation, cara sebutan yg malas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |