broad | adj 1. wide, lebar: a ~ avenue, lebuh yg lebar; he gave her a ~ grin, dia tersenyum lebar kpd gadis itu; a ~ -shouldered man, lelaki yg berbahu lebar; 2. in breadth, lebar, lebarnya: the table is one meter ~, lebar meja itu satu meter or meja itu satu meter lebarnya; 3. of large extent, luas (terbentang), terbentang luas: they sailed the ~ seas, mereka belayar di laut yg luas terbentang; the ~ plains, dataran yg luas terbentang; 4. extensive in range, scope, luas: a man of ~ interests, lelaki yg luas minatnya; 5. liberal, luas: a ~ interpretation of the law, tafsiran undang-undang yg luas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wordy | adj verbose, panjang lebar; (of person), /bercakap, menulis/ dgn panjang lebar: a ~ announcement, pengumuman yg panjang lebar; a ~ article, artikel yg panjang lebar; the speaker is rather a ~ man, penceramah itu orang yg bercakap dgn agak panjang lebar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wide | adj 1. not narrow, broad, lebar: how ~ is the material?, berapa lebar kain itu?; a ~ river, sungai yg lebar; a tall man with ~ shoulders, seorang lelaki tinggi yg lebar bahunya; she gave me a ~ grin, dia tersengih lebar kpd saya; 2. having a specified extent from side to side, lebar: the table is 6 feet long and 3 feet ~, meja itu 6 kaki panjang dan 3 kaki lebar; 3. covering a large space, luas terbentang: the ~ plains of the Western United States, dataran yg luas terbentang di Barat Amerika Syarikat; the ~ seas, lautan yg luas terbentang; 4. (of eyes) fully open, terbeliak: the child gazed with ~ eyes at the magician, budak itu merenung ahli silap mata tersebut dgn mata terbeliak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
breadth | n 1. measurement from side to side, a. (gen) lebar: to measure the ~ of the table, mengukur lebar meja; what is the ~ of the room?, berapakah lebar bilik ini?; b. (of road, river, bridge, etc) lebar, buka, luas; c. (of cloth, mat, carpet, etc) lebar, bidang, buka: a piece of linen 36 inches in~, kain linen yg bidangnya 36 inci; 2. piece of cloth etc of full width, bidang: a ~ of silk, sebidang kain sutera; 3. range, scope, keluasan, luas: the ~ of his knowledge, keluasan pengetahuannya; 4. liberality (of views etc) keluasan, luas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
width | n 1. breadth, lebar(nya): the ~ of the table is 5 feet, lebar meja itu 5 kaki; the material is 40 inches in ~, kain itu lebarnya 40 inci; a river of great ~ and depth, sebatang sungai yg sangat lebar dan dalam; what is the ~ of a tennis court?, berapakah lebar gelanggang tenis?; the lane has a ~ of 4 feet, lorong itu 4 kaki lebarnya; 2. largeness or greatness in extent, luasnya: the ~ of his knowledge, luasnya pengetahuan dia; 3. measured and cut piece of material, potong: a ~ of silk, sepotong kain sutera. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grin | n broad smile, senyum(an) lebar, sengihan, seringai: she stood there, with a ~ on her face, dia berdiri di situ dgn senyum lebar; break into a ~, tersenyum lebar, tersengih, terseringai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wide-screen | adj layar lebar: ~ presentation, persembahan layar lebar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
narrow | adj 1. of small width compared to length, a. (gen) tdk lebar: a ~ table, meja yg tdk lebar; the middle or ~ portion of the bone, bahagian tengah atau bahagian yg tdk lebar tulang itu; b. (of passage, piece of land, room, etc) sempit: a ~ and winding stream, anak sungai yg sempit dan berliku-liku; a ~ sidewalk, kaki lima yg sempit; a ~ bridge, jambatan yg sempit; ~ coastal plain, dataran pinggir laut yg sempit; the neck is the ~ portion of the bottle, leher botol ialah bahagian yg sempit pd botol; c. (of ribbon etc) halus: she wore a dress with ~ shoulder straps, dia memakai gaun yg bertali halus di bahunya; d. (of fabric, textile) bidang kecil; e. (of waist) ramping; f. (of shoulder, hips) kuncup, kecil; 2. rigid, sempit: a ~ mind, fikiran yg sempit; ~ views, pandangan yg sempit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
smile | be all ~s, tersenyum lebar: the winner was all ~s, pemenang itu tersenyum lebar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
widen | vi 1. broaden, menjadi lebar, melebar: the river ~s when it reaches the plains, sungai itu menjadi lebar apabila tiba di dataran; 2. increase in extent or scope, meluas: his interests ~ed while he was abroad, minatnya meluas semasa dia berada di luar negeri; his knowledge ~ed from long experience, pengetahuannya meluas hasil pengalamannya yg lama; 3. open wide, terbeliak: the child’s eyes ~ed in wonder, mata budak itu terbeliak kehairanan; 4. (of smile) melebar; 5. become more extreme, meluas: the gap between the rich and the poor is ~ing, jurang antara yg kaya dan yg miskin semakin meluas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |