or | ~ so, lebih kurang: there will be thirty guests ~ so, lebih kurang tiga puluh orang tetamu akan hadir; in a week ~ so, dlm masa lebih kurang seminggu; ~ two, dua: they will be here in a day ~ two, mereka akan tiba dlm sehari dua lagi; a dollar ~ two, seringgit dua; a minute ~ two, seminit dua; once ~ twice, sekali sekala. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
approximately | adv fairly exact, lebih kurang, kira-kira; (in quantity, character, etc) lebih kurang, hampir: the kitten was ~ eight weeks old, anak kucing itu berusia kira-kira lapan minggu; the car costs ~ $17,000, kereta itu berharga kira-kira $17,000; ~ accurate, hampir tepat; ~ what he had hoped for, lebih kurang spt yg diharapkannya; very ~, secara kasar: I have worked out your pay very ~, saya telah mengira gaji kamu secara kasar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
line 1 | along the ~s of, lebih kurang /begini, macam ini/: he ended the talk along the ~s of: “What steps can we take to preserve our forest?”, dia menamatkan ucapannya lebih kurang begini: “Apakah langkah-langkah yg patut diambil utk memelihara hutan?”; along the ~s of st, lebih kurang spt sst: the governing body was structured along the ~s of the British Parliament, badan pentadbiran distrukturkan lebih kurang spt Parlimen British; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
line 1 | along the ~s of, lebih kurang /begini, macam ini/: he ended the talk along the ~s of: “What steps can we take to preserve our forest?”, dia menamatkan ucapannya lebih kurang begini: “Apakah langkah-langkah yg patut diambil utk memelihara hutan?”; along the ~s of st, lebih kurang spt sst: the governing body was structured along the ~s of the British Parliament, badan pentadbiran distrukturkan lebih kurang spt Parlimen British; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
approximate | adj fairly exact, a. (attrib) lebih kurang, kira-kira; (in quantity, amount, value, etc) anggaran: the ~ distance between the two cities is 1,000 kilometres, jarak di antara kedua-dua bandar raya itu lebih kurang 1,000 kilometer; this gives an ~ idea of what is involved in producing a dictionary, ini akan lebih kurang memberikan gambaran ttg kerja-kerja yg terlibat dlm penghasilan sebuah kamus; the ~ value of the land, nilai anggaran tanah itu; can you tell me the ~ number of students in the school?, dapatkah saudara memberitahu saya anggaran jumlah murid di sekolah ini?; b. (pred) anggaran: the figures given are only ~, angka yg diberikan hanya anggaran; ~ to, lebih kurang: a sum of money ~ to what is needed, jumlah wang yg lebih kurang sebanyak yg diperlukan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
much | ~ the same, /lebih kurang, hampir(-hampir)/ sama; (in age) /lebih kurang, hampir(-hampir)/ /sebaya, seumur/: when he returned to Mandalom after ten years, the village was ~ the same as when he had left it, apabila dia kembali ke Manda | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
something | b. approximately, lebih kurang: it happened ~ like 2,000 years ago, hal ini berlaku lebih kurang 2,000 tahun yg lalu; ~ of /a, an/ /actor, poet, etc/, sedikit sebanyak boleh /berlakon, menulis sajak, dll/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
some | 5. about, approximately, lebih kurang, kira-kira: lebih kurang tiga ribu orang bersesak-sesak dlm dewan itu; 6. (colloq) impressive, remarkable, hebat: that was ~ dinner, hebat jamuan makan malam itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lick | a ~ and a promise, (colloq) lebih kurang: she cleaned the kitchen with a ~ and a promise, dia mengemas dapur itu dgn lebih kurang sahaja; at a /great, tremendous/ ~, (colloq) dgn pantas: he was driving at a great ~ when he hit the post, dia sedang memandu dgn pantas ketika terlanggar tiang itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lick | a ~ and a promise, (colloq) lebih kurang: she cleaned the kitchen with a ~ and a promise, dia mengemas dapur itu dgn lebih kurang sahaja; at a /great, tremendous/ ~, (colloq) dgn pantas: he was driving at a great ~ when he hit the post, dia sedang memandu dgn pantas ketika terlanggar tiang itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |