hollow | n 1. concavity, lekuk: the ~ of o’s hand, lekuk pd tangan; water has collected in the ~s in the road, air sudah bertakung dlm lekuk-lekuk di jalan; 2. empty space, lubang: in the ~ of the tree, dlm lubang pokok itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
arrest | (development) menyekat, membantutkan, menghentikan: to ~ the spread of a disease, menyekat merebaknya sst penyakit; the deep cavities on the mountain slope ~ed the lava flow, lekuk-lekuk pd cerun gunung yg dalam itu menyekat aliran lava; such an experience may ~ a child’s development, pengalaman sebegitu rupa dapat menyekat perkembangan kanak-kanak; c. (growth) membantutkan: clipping the roots will ~ the growth of the plant, memotong akar-akar akan membantutkan pertumbuhan pokok; 4. catch (attention) menarik: its unusual shape ~ed our attention,bentuknya yg luar biasa menarik perhatian kami; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dent | n (tempat) lekuk; (in metallic surface) (tempat yg) kemik: ~s in the wooden floor, tempat-tempat lekuk pd lantai papan; there is a ~ in his hat, ada lekuk pd topinya; to repair the ~ in the mudguard, membaiki tempat yg kemik pd adang lumpur; make a ~, (fig.) meninggalkan kesan: the drought made no appreciable ~ in overall production, kemarau itu tdk meninggalkan kesan yg besar pd keseluruhan pengeluaran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pit 1 | 4. the ~, (biblical or rhet) hell, lubang neraka: he was thrown into the ~, dia dicampakkan ke dlm lubang neraka; 5. also orchestra pit, ruang orkestra; 6. small depression on surface of st, lekuk: acne had left little ~s all over his face, akne telah meninggalkan lekuk-lekuk kecil di mukanya; 7. (usu in pl) area of motor-racing track, ruang perhentian: the leading car was signalled into the ~s, kereta yg di hadapan sekali diisyaratkan masuk | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pitted | n berlubang-lubang, berlekuk-lekuk; (of skin) berlekuk-lekuk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pocked | adjberlekak-lekuk, berlubang-lubang: the surface of the moon is ~ with craters, permukaan bulan berlekak-lekuk dgn kawah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
indentation | n 1. depression, lekuk: the ~s made by the heels of her shoes, lekuk yg disebabkan oleh tumit kasutnya; 2. (in leaf) gerigi; 3. deep recess (in coastline) suak; 4. space left between margin and the beginning of the first line, jarak engsot; 5. act of, a. (starting line of print etc in from the regular margin) pengengsotan; b. (making jagged) menyebabkan bergerigi; (coastline) menyebabkan bersuak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bumpy | adj 1. full of bumps, berbonggol-bonggol, lekak-lekuk: a ~ road, jalan yg lekak-lekuk; 2. full of jolts, terenjut-enjut, terhentak-hentak; (of flight) melambung-lambung: we had a ~ ride, kami terenjut-enjut semasa perjalanan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fold1 | n 1. folded part or layer, lipatan: how many ~s can you make in this piece of paper?, berapa lipatan yg boleh kamu buat dgn kertas ini?; 2. line, hollow etc made by folding, lipatan; (of skin) pelipat: the letter was hidden in the ~s of her skirt, surat itu disembunyikan dlm lipatan skirtnya; /fall, hang, etc/ in ~s, beralun-alun: the dress fell in ~s to the floor, bajunya beralun-alun labuh hingga mencecah lantai; 3. hollow in hill, mountain, etc, lekuk: farmhouses hidden away in the ~s of the Pennine Hills, rumah-rumah petani yg tersorok dlm lekuk-lekuk Bukit Pennine; 4. (geol) lipatan: ~ system, sistem lipatan; ~ mountains, gunung lipat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cleft 1 | n rekahan; (in chin) lekuk: she hid it in a ~ in the rock, dia menyembunyikannya dlm rekahan batu; he had a noticeable ~ in his chin, lekuk pd dagunya ketara sekali. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |