scald | like a ~ed cat, spt lipas kudung: at the sound of the explosion, the boy ran like a ~ed cat, apabila terdengar bunyi letupan, budak itu lari spt lipas kudung; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cockroach | n lipas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
horrid | adj 1. (colloq) unpleasant, dahsyat, teruk: this is a ~ place, it’s full of ants and cockroaches, tempat ini teruk, penuh dgn semut dan lipas; (of person, person’s behaviour, etc), [various translations]: she had a ~ stepmother, dia mempunyai ibu tiri yg garang; don’t be ~ to your little sister, jangan berkasar thdp adikmu; 2. frightening, repulsive, sangat menakutkan, dahsyat: the monster had a really ~ face, rupa raksasa itu sangat menakutkan; a ~ dream, mimpi yg dahsyat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
such | ~ as it /is, was/, a. (deprecatory) kalau(lah) boleh /disebut, dikatakan, dinamakan/ (sst): the hotel, ~ as it was, had no running water and lots of cockroaches, hotel itu, kalau boleh disebut hotel, tdk ada air paip dan banyak lipas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
squash 1 | vt, 1. a. flatten, (act.), memenyekkan, menyebabkan [sst] penyek; (pass.), penyek: he sat on my cake and ~ed it flat,, dia terduduk atas kek saya dan memenyekkannya; the cockroach got ~ed when I stepped on it,, lipas itu penyek apabila saya terpijaknya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
like 1 | adj similar, serupa, sama; (used after making a reference to members of a particular group) sejenis (dengannya): they are twins, but they are not very ~, mereka berdua kembar, tetapi wajah mereka tdk begitu serupa; we are of ~ mind over this issue, kami mempunyai pandangan yg serupa ttg isu ini; household pests namely cockroaches, white ants and ~ creatures, serangga perosak spt lipas, anai-anai dan hidupan lain yg sejenis dengannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
like 1 | adj similar, serupa, sama; (used after making a reference to members of a particular group) sejenis (dengannya): they are twins, but they are not very ~, mereka berdua kembar, tetapi wajah mereka tdk begitu serupa; we are of ~ mind over this issue, kami mempunyai pandangan yg serupa ttg isu ini; household pests namely cockroaches, white ants and ~ creatures, serangga perosak spt lipas, anai-anai dan hidupan lain yg sejenis dengannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |