sinuous | adj meliuk-liuk; (of road, river, etc) berliku-liku: to dance with a ~ grace, menari dgn gaya yg meliuk-liuk; the ~ movements of a snake, pergerakan meliuk-liuk seekor ular; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wavering | adj 1. moving unsteadily, meliang-liuk: ~ shadows, bayang-bayang yg meliang-liuk; the ~ candle flames, api lilin yg meliang-liuk; 2. (of voice) terketar-ketar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
waver | vi 1. flicker, meliang-liuk: the candle flame ~ed in the draught, api lilin itu meliang-liuk ditiup angin; the shadows that ~ed on the waters of the lake, bayang-bayang yg meliang-liuk di permukaan air tasik itu; 2. become unsteady, goyah: his courage never ~ed in the face of adversity, ketabahannya tdk pernah goyah dlm menghadapi bencana; 3. be undecided, hesitate, teragak-agak (approp v): you must stop ~ing and decide what you’re going to do, kamu tdk boleh teragak-agak, kamu harus memutuskan apa yg akan kamu buat; the examiners ~ed between the two candidates, para pemeriksa teragak-agak memilih antara dua orang calon itu; 4. fluctuate, berubah-ubah: the temperature ~ed between 100C and 150C, suhu berubah-ubah antara 100C dan 150C; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sinuosity | b. (of snake) gerakan meliuk-liuk: the ~ of a serpent, gerakan meliuk-liuk seekor ular; 2. curve, twist, liku-liku: the path followed the sinuosities of the river, jalan itu mengikut liku-liku sungai. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sinuosity | n (fml) 1. sinuous movement, a. (of person) gaya meliuk-liuk: she moved with the ~ of an Egyptian belly dancer, dia melenggangkan badannya dgn gaya meliuk-liuk seorang penari gelek Mesir; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flicker | ~ out, (lit.) meliuk-liuk lalu padam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lithe | adj mudah meliuk lentur; (of movement, grace) liuk lentur: the ~ bodies of the gymnasts, badan ahli-ahli gimnastik yg mudah meliuk lentur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sinuous | the ~ tendrils of the creepers, sulur paut tumbuhan menjalar yg meliuk-liuk; the ~ channels eroded into the hillside, alur yg berliku-liku menghakis lereng-lereng bukit. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
contortion | n 1. distortion, peliukan; (of face) , mengernyutkan; 2. result of contorting or being contorted, liuk badan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wreathe | vi twist in coils, approp v + berlingkar-lingkar: smoke ~ing from the chimney, asap keluar berlingkar-lingkar dr serombong itu; as the pipe played the snake swayed and ~d, semasa seruling ditiup, ular itu meliang-liuk dan bergerak berlingkar-lingkar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |