efface | vt 1. erase, (act.) memadamkan; (pass.) padam: the drawing on the wall had been ~d, lukisan-lukisan pd dinding itu telah padam; 2. forget, melupakan: he tried very hard to ~ the memory of the awful incident, dia sedaya upaya mencuba melupakan peristiwa yg dahsyat itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
oblivion | n 1. state of being forgotten, dilupakan: it was he who discovered the paintings and rescued them from ~, dialah yg menemukan lukisan-lukisan tersebut dan dgn itu, menyelamatkannya drpd dilupakan; such works of art are of inferior quality and obviously doomed to ~, karya seni spt itu rendah mutunya dan pasti akan dilupakan; /fall into, sink into, consign to/ ~, dilupakan; 2. state of not being aware of o’s surroundings, (keadaan) tdk sedar; sink in ~, tdk sedar: he was sunk in ~, dia tdk sedar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
nativity | n 1. birth of Jesus Christ, kelahiran Jesus Christ; ~ play, lakon /Nativity, kelahiran Jesus Christ/; 2. artistic representation of the event, approp n + kelahiran Jesus Christ: among his treasured paintings is a ~, antara lukisan-lukisan yg disayanginya ialah lukisan kelahiran Jesus Christ; 3. Christmas, hari /Krismas, Natal/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fanciful | adj 1. imaginary, merupakan khayalan: that’s only one of her ~ ideas, itu baru salah satu drpd gagasannya yg merupakan khayalan; 2. curiously, imaginatively designed, aneh: ~ drawings, lukisan-lukisan yg aneh; 3. indulging in fantasy, suka /berkhayal, berangan-angan/: a ~ child, kanak-kanak yg suka berkhayal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wall-painting | n 1. picture painted on a wall, lukisan dinding; 2. the art of painting such pictures, seni lukisan dinding. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
portrayal | n 1. act of portraying, a. (graphically) lukisan: Lat’s humorous ~ of life in Malaysia, lukisan Lat yg penuh humor ttg kehidupan di Malaysia; b. (in words) penggambaran: the work, in its ~ of the horrors of war, created a lasting impression, karya itu, dgn penggambarannya yg mengerikan ttg perang, meninggalkan kesan yg mendalam; c. (on the stage) pelakonan watak: his ~ of Hamlet will live in people’s memories, pelakonan wataknya sbg Hamlet tetap segar dlm ingatan penonton; 2. particular representation,pemaparan: the film’s ~ of the era was historically factual, pemaparan era itu dlm filem tersebut betul-betul mengikut fakta sejarah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
top1 | 6. outdo, be superior to, lebih baik: this picture ~s anything he has painted before, lukisan ini adalah lebih baik drpd sebarang lukisan yg pernah dihasilkannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
genuine | adj 1. a. pure, not adulterated or cheapened, tulen; (of vintage wine, cuisine, etc) asli: ~ pearl, mutiara tulen; a restaurant serving ~ Thai food, restoran yg menghidangkan masakan Thai asli; b. original, not faked, asli, asal: a ~ manuscript, manuskrip asli; is the painting a ~ Rembrandt or a fake?, adakah lukisan itu lukisan asli Rembrandt atau pun lukisan palsu?; 2. truly what the person is said to be, sebenar; (of friend) sejati: a ~ doctor, doktor sebenar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
picture | n 1. a. (drawing, etching, engraving, etc) gambar; (painting) gambar, lukisan: she drew a ~ of her teacher, dia melukis gambar gurunya; the ~ sold for $20,000, gambar itu dijual dgn harga $20,000; to paint a ~, membuat lukisan; b. photograph, gambar (foto): he took a ~ of the children playing, dia mengambil gambar foto kanak-kanak yg sedang bermain itu; c. portrait, gambar, potret: I’ve asked the artist to paint my son’s ~, saya telah meminta pelukis itu melukis potret anak saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
painting | n 1. action or skill of painting , seni lukis: he studied ~ in Paris , dia belajar seni lukis di Paris; 2. painted picture, lukisan: a ~ by Van Gogh , lukisan oleh Van Gogh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |