night | 10 o’clock at ~, pukul 10 malam; by ~, pd /waktu malam, malam hari/: he travelled by ~ and worked by day, dia meneruskan perjalanan pd waktu malam dan bekerja pd waktu siang; have a good ~, tidur /nyenyak, lena/; have a ~ out, keluar malam; in the ~, pd /waktu malam, malam hari/: it happened in the ~, kejadian itu berlaku pd waktu malam; make a ~ of it, /berseronok-seronok, bersuka-suka/ pd malam itu; (this night), /berseronok-seronok, bersuka-suka/ pd malam ini; late at ~, larut malam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
take | ~ so. out, membawa sso keluar: he is taking me out to dinner tonight, dia akan membawa saya keluar makan malam malam ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
skip 1 | 3. deliberately miss, tdk mahu makan: I think I shall ~ dinner tonight, saya fikir, saya tdk mahu makan malam, malam ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inky | ~ /black, dark/ gelap-gelita, gelap pekat: the room was ~ black, bilik itu gelap-gelita; an ~ dark night, malam yg gelap pekat; ~ /blackness, darkness/, kegelapan malam, malam yg /gelap-gelita, gelap pekat/: for a long time, he stood staring into the ~ blackness, lama juga dia merenung ke dlm kegelapan malam or malam yg gelap-gelita itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stalk 2 | 2. move silently and threateningly through, a. (of ghost) merayau(-rayau) (di): the phantoms that ~ the old house on moonless nights, hantu-hantu yg merayau di rumah tua itu pd malam-malam yg tdk berbulan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
night | 3. special occasion in the evening, malam: the opening ~, malam pembukaan; 4. evening following a particular occasion, day, malam; (when the day is specified) malam [+ the following day]: Christmas ~, malam Krismas; on Friday ~, pd malam Sabtu; 5. (attrib) malam; (working in the night shift) bertugas malam: ~ train, kereta api malam; ~ after ~, /setiap, saban/ malam: the noise from the neighbour’s house disturbed us ~ after ~, bunyi bising dr rumah jiran mengganggu kami setiap malam; ~ and day, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
night | n 1. period of darkness from dusk to dawn, waktu malam: the accident happened during the ~, kemalangan itu berlaku pd waktu malam; the ~s are shorter in summer, waktu malam lebih pendek dlm musim panas; 2. instance of such a period, malam: we travelled for five days and five ~s, kami mengembara lima hari lima malam; three ~s ago, tiga malam yg lepas; tomorrow ~, malam esok; last ~, malam tadi, malam semalam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dead | n ; in the ~ of night, pd tengah-tengah malam, pd malam buta; in the ~ of winter, pd tengah-tengah musim sejuk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
night | siang malam: workmen slogged ~ and day to get things ready for the President’s visit, pekerja-pekerja bertungkus lumus siang malam utk menyiapkan segala-galanya sempena lawatan Presiden itu; all ~ (long), sepanjang malam, semalam-malaman: they were dancing all ~ long, mereka menari sepanjang malam; at ~, pd waktu malam; (preceded by specified time) malam: I don’t like to go out at ~, saya tdk suka keluar pd waktu malam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
night-shift | n giliran malam: she is on ~, dia bekerja giliran malam; the ~ comes on at 7 p.m., giliran malam bermula pd pukul 7 malam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |