overstep | vt exceed, melampaui: he ~ped his authority in giving them permission to leave early, dia melampaui bidang kuasanya apabila memberi mereka kebenaran utk pulang awal; such behaviour ~s the bounds of propriety, kelakuan sedemikian melampaui batas kesopanan; ~ the mark, melampaui batas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | ~ beyond, a. walk, run, etc, further than, melewati, melampaui: do not ~ beyond the white line, jangan melampaui garisan putih itu; b. take action more than what is allowed, melewati, melampaui: the officer went beyond his powers by issuing those instructions, pegawai itu telah melewati kuasanya dgn mengeluarkan arahan-arahan itu; ~ beyond a joke, bukan lagi gurauan; ~ beyond /expectation, reason, etc/, di luar /jangkaan, dugaan/: the success of the experiment went beyond his dreams, kejayaan eksperimen itu adalah di luar jangkaannya; ~ beyond the call of duty, berkhidmat melampaui tugas-tugas biasa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
transgress | vt go beyond (limit) melampaui: such behaviour ~es the limits of decency, kelakuan begitu melampaui batas-batas kesopanan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
tower | vi; ~ /above, over/, a. be of greater height than (so., st) mencuar tinggi melampaui: the boy now ~s over his father, budak itu kini mencuar tinggi melampaui ayahnya; the new building ~s above the neighbouring shops, bangunan baru itu mencuar tinggi melampaui kedai-kedai sekelilingnya; b. (fig.) greatly exceed (in ability, quality, etc) lebih terbilang drpd: a novelist who ~s above his contemporaries, penulis novel yg lebih terbilang drpd penulis-penulis sezamannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sail | ~ to; ~ close to the wind, hampir-hampir melampaui batasan: watch your step – you’re ~ing too close to the wind, hati-hati dgn langkah kamu – kamu hampir-hampir melampaui batasan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
overreach | vt melampaui batas kemampuan [sso]. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
overrun | vi /melewati, melampaui/ waktu: our meeting always ~s by at least half an hour, mesyuarat kami selalunya melewati waktu sekurang-kurangnya setengah jam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
transcendence, transcendency | n menjangkaui, melampaui: it is said that love is a genuine ~ of self, dikatakan bahawa cinta pd orang lain itu menjangkaui cinta thdp diri sendiri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
overshoot | vt go beyond, melewati, melampaui: due to the bad weather conditions the aeroplane overshot the runway, oleh sebab keadaan cuaca buruk, kapal terbang itu melewati landasan; ~ the mark, do st inaccurately as a result of poor judgement, membuat perkiraan yg salah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
surpass | 2. exceed, melebihi, melampaui, melangkaui: a result that ~es our wildest hopes, keputusan yg melebihi harapan yg menjadi igauan kita; the number present far ~ed expectations, jumlah yg hadir melangkaui jangkaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |