furnish | vt 1. provide (house etc) with furniture, melengkapi [sst] dgn perabot: she is busy ~ing the new house, dia sibuk melengkapi rumah barunya dgn perabot; 2. equip, melengkapi: to ~ a library with books, melengkapi perpustakaan dgn buku; 3. give, supply, memberikan: she ~ed the right answer to the question, dia memberikan jawapan yg betul kpd soalan itu; he ~es supplies to the army, dia memberikan bekalan kpd tentera; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
complete | vt 1. make whole, melengkapi: I need one volume to ~ my set of Shakespeare’s plays, saya memerlukan satu jilid lagi utk melengkapi set buku drama Shakespeare saya; 2. make perfect, membuat sempurna: his presence ~d her happiness, kehadirannya membuat kegembiraan wanita itu sempurna; 3. a. finish doing, producing, making, (act.) menyiapkan, menyelesaikan; (pass.) siap, selesai: work on the tunnel will be ~d soon, kerja membina terowong itu akan siap tdk lama lagi; b. finish attending, serving, tamat + approp v: she has just ~d a six-month secretarial course, dia baru saja tamat mengikuti kursus kesetiausahaan selama enam bulan; 4. fill in, melengkapkan: to ~ a questionnaire, melengkapkan soal selidik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rig | vt 1. fit with masts, sails, etc, melengkapi [kapal] (dgn + approp n): the yatch must be ~ged with new sails, kapal layar itu mesti dilengkapi dgn layar baru; 2. manipulate fraudulently, memanipulasi, melakukan penipuan dlm: they were accused of ~ging the election, mereka dituduh memanipulasi pilihan raya itu; persons guilty of ~ging the share market, orang-orang yg bersalah melakukan penipuan dlm pasaran saham; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
motorize | vt 1. equip with motor, memasangkan motor pd: he plans to ~ his bicycle, dia merancang hendak memasangkan motor pd basikalnya; 2. equip with motor vehicles, melengkapi [sst] dgn kenderaan bermotor: today’s infa | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
essential | n 1. st extremely necessary or important, approp n + yg perlu: he regards money as an ~, dia menganggap wang sbg sesuatu yg perlu; we only had enough money to furnish the room with the bare ~s, kami hanya ada wang yg cukup utk melengkapi bilik itu dgn perabot yg perlu sahaja; 2. fundamental principle, asas: the ~s of English grammar, asas-asas tatabahasa Inggeris. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |