bow1 | ~ down with; be ~ed down with st, a. melentur: the tree was ~ed down with the weight of its fruit, pokok itu melentur krn berat buahnya; b. (fig.) dibebani: he was ~ed down with grief, dia dibebani rasa duka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lean 1 | ~ down, a. (of person) membongkok: he ~t down to get through the doorway, dia membongkok utk melalui pintu itu; b. (of branches) melentur: the branches of the mango tree ~t down to the ground laden with fruit, dahan pokok mangga itu melentur ke tanah krn lebat dgn buah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lean 1 | ~ down, a. (of person) membongkok: he ~t down to get through the doorway, dia membongkok utk melalui pintu itu; b. (of branches) melentur: the branches of the mango tree ~t down to the ground laden with fruit, dahan pokok mangga itu melentur ke tanah krn lebat dgn buah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
droop | vi 1. incline, bend downwards, a. (gen) melentok, terlentok: his head ~ed in weariness, kepalanya terlentok krn keletihan; the feathers in his hat ~ed, bulu-bulu ayam di topinya terlentok; b. (of shoulders) turun, jatuh; c. (of eyes, eyelids) layu, kuyu, ruyup; d. (of mouth) menjebek; e. (of branch) melentur, meluyut; f. (of plant) melentur; g. (of flower) melentok, terlentok; 2. (of sun) ruyup; 3. languish, (kelihatan) layu; (of spirits) menjadi lemah: our spirits ~ed as we watched our players lose, semangat kami menjadi lemah apabila melihat pemain-pemain kami tewas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bend | vi 1.curve over from an erect position, a.(of person) membongkok, membongkokkan badan; (due to heavy burden) terbongkok-bongkok, membongkok: she bent to pick up the paper, dia membongkok utk mengambil kertas; an old man ~ing under a heavy load, lelaki tua yg terbongkok-bongkok membawa barang yg berat or lelaki tua yg membongkok krn membawa barang yg berat; b. (of tree) melentur, melengkung; c. (of flexible things) melentur, melengkung: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bow1 | vi 1. also ~ down, bend the head or body, tunduk: he ~ed before the king, dia tunduk di depan raja; the singer ~ed to the audience, penyanyi itu tunduk kpd para penonton; 2. (of tree) bend, melentur; 3. submit, tunduk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bow1 | vt 1. bend the head or body, menundukkan: they ~ed their heads in prayer, mereka menundukkan kepala semasa berdoa; 2. express by bowing, tunduk sbg tanda [sst]: the recipient of the award ~ed his thanks, penerima anugerah itu tunduk sbg tanda terima kasih; to ~ o’s consent, tunduk utk menandakan persetujuan; 3. cause to bend, (act.) melenturkan; (pass.) melentur: the gale ~ed the trees, angin kencang melenturkan pohon-pohon itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |