ice | vt 1. cover (with ice) meliputi, melitupi: sleet ~d the pavement, hujan beku meliputi jalan; 2. mix with ice, membubuh /air batu, ais/ /dlm, pd/: don’t ~ my drink, jangan bubuh air batu dlm minuman saya; 3. chill, menyejukkan: to ~ a bottle of wine, menyejukkan sebotol wain; 4. encrust with icing, mengaising, membubuh aising pd: to ~ a cake, membubuh aising pd kek; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blanket | vt 1. cover with thick layer or mass of st, meliputi, melitupi: wild flowers ~ing the hillsides, bunga-bunga liar yg meliputi lereng-lereng bukit; the valley was ~ed with mist, lembah itu diliputi kabus; 2. usu ~ out, cause to be obscure, mengelamkan, mengaburkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
total | vi berjumlah; (of area of land), /meliputi, merangkumi/ [sst]: expenses ~led $1,000, perbelanjaan berjumlah $1,000; the floor area ~led about 320,000 sq. ft, luas lantai itu meliputi kawasan kira-kira 320,000 kaki persegi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
refer | vi 1. mention (of), allude, ditujukan, dimaksudkan: does that remark ~ to me?, adakah teguran itu ditujukan kpd saya?; 2. affect, meliputi, merangkumi: these rules do not ~ to handicapped players, peraturan-peraturan ini tdk meliputi peserta-peserta cacat; 3. seek information (from book, note, time-table) merujuk, berpandukan; (clock, watch) berpandukan: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
perennial | adj 1. everlasting, a. (of stream, well, etc) tdk kering-kering, sentiasa berair, malar, saka: the ~ streams of the Alpine valleys, anak sungai yg tdk kering-kering di lembah Alps; b. (of snow, ice) sentiasa meliputi: the ~ snows and ice of Antarctica, salji dan ais yg sentiasa meliputi Benua Antartika; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
mantle | n 1. loose, sleeveless overcoat, (baju) mantel; 2. st that completely covers a surface, litupan, liputan, melitupi, meliputi: the ~ of floating vegetation made rowing difficult, litupan tumbuh-tumbuhan apungan itu | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
carpet | vt 1. cover with carpet, menghampari, melapik dgn /hamparan, permaidani/: the stairs had been newly ~ed, tangga itu baru sahaja dihampari; 2. cover, spread over, melitupi, meliputi: snow which ~ed the ground, salji yg melitupi bumi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
vine | n 1. grapevine, pokok anggur: acres planted with well-tended ~s, berekar-ekar tanah yg ditanami pokok anggur yg dijaga dgn baik; 2. any climbing plants, pokok (menjalar):~s covered the wall, pokok-pokok menjalar meliputi tembok itu; the pepper ~s looked very healthy, pokok lada itu kelihatan sangat subur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ground 1 | break fresh ~, membuat penemuan baru: this research breaks fresh ~ in the field of immunology, penyelidikan ini membuat penemuan baru dlm bidang imunologi; cover /much, a lot of, etc/ ~, (fig.) approp v + banyak perkara: the report covered a lot of ~, laporan itu meliputi banyak perkara; the author covered a lot of ~ in his new book, penulis itu membincangkan banyak perkara dlm bukunya yg mutakhir; cut the ~ from under so’s feet, memintasi: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
plantation | n 1. large estate of usu tropical crops, ladang: he owns a rubber ~ north of the city, dia memiliki ladang getah di bahagian utara bandar itu; 2. a group of cultivated trees or plants, hutan: large ~s of pines cover the slopes, hutan-hutan pokok pain yg luas meliputi lereng-lereng bukit itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |