dart | ~ at, send out (look, glance, etc), /melontarkan, melemparkan/ kpd: she ~ed an angry look at the child, dia melontarkan pandangan marah kpd kanak-kanak itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hurl | vt 1. throw, fling violently, a. (gen) melemparkan, melontarkan, merejamkan: he ~ed the book out of the window, dia melemparkan buku itu ke luar tingkap; they ~ed stones at him, mereka melontarkan batu ke arahnya; b. (spear, javelin) merejamkan, melontarkan; 2. cause to be flung, (act.) mencampakkan, menghumbankan; (pass.) tercampak, terhumban: they were ~ed far and wide by the explosion, mereka tercampak ke sana sini akibat ledakan itu; 3. impel, force (os) mencampakkan: he ~ed himself into the sea, dia mencampakkan dirinya ke dlm laut; 4. shout out violently, menghamburkan, melemparkan: he ~ed abuse at her, dia menghamburkan caci-maki kpd perempuan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
shy 2 | vt membalingkan, melontarkan: I wish you would stop those boys from ~ing stones at the animals, alangkah baiknya kalau kamu dapat menghentikan budak-budak itu drpd membalingkan batu pd binatang-binatang itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
throw | vt 1. fling or hurl through the air, (at st or to so. or st), /melontarkan, melemparkan, membalingkan/ sst (pd /sso, sst/), melontari, melempar(i), membaling /sso, sst/ dgn sst: she threw the glass at him, dia membalingk | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dart | vt 1. throw with sudden movement, melontar(kan): he ~ed a knife at his foe, dia melontarkan pisau ke arah musuhnya; 2. thrust, move with sudden speed, menjulurkan [n] dgn cepat: the frog ~ed out its tongue to catch the insect, katak itu menjulurkan lidahnya dgn cepat utk menangkap serangga itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
obloquy | n (fml) 1. strongly-worded, abusive statement, kecaman: the newspapers heaped ~s upon him, surat khabar melontarkan kecaman-kecaman terhadapnya; 2. disgrace, keaiban, rasa malu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
mud | so’s name is ~, (colloq) nama sso /tercemar, busuk/: his name is ~ there after what he did, di situ namanya telah busuk akibat perbuatannya; /throw, sling/ ~ at so., melontarkan tohmah kpd sso: he has had plenty of ~ | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bung | vt 1. often ~ up, close with or as with a bung, menyumbat; be ~ed up, tersumbat: the car exhaust was ~ed up with mud, ekzos kereta itu tersumbat oleh lumpur; 2. (sl) throw, membalingkan, melontarkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
shoot | 6. propel, send rapidly, [various translations]: the horse balked, ~ing its rider over its head, kuda itu tiba-tiba berhenti, menyebabkan penunggangnya terhumban ke hadapan; the lift shot them up to the 25th floor, lif itu meluncurkan mereka ke tingkat 25; journalists shot questions at him, para wartawan melontarkan soalan-soalan kepadanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |