pick 1 | memagut beras di atas tanah; 8.open (lock) with hairpin, wire, etc, menjolok-jolok, menggodek-godek: he’d lost his key and had to ~ the lock in order to get in, kuncinya hilang dan dia terpaksa menjolok-jolok lubang kunci utk masuk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pick 1 | memetik; (of birds) mematuk, memagut: the gardener ~ed all the dead flowers off the rose bushes, tukang kebun memetik semua bunga mawar yg telah kering utk dibuang; birds have ~ed off the buds, burung-burung telah mematuk semua kudup-kudup bunga tersebut; b. shoot animals, aircraft one by one, menembak + approp n satu demi satu: the sharpshooters ~ed off the crows, penembak-penembak tepat itu menembak gagak satu demi satu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pick 1 | budak itu mengutip semua ceri dr biskut tersebut; she ~ed the book off the shelf, dia mengambil buku itu dr rak; 6. remove (small pieces of meat on bone), (using beak, teeth) menggisi; (using fingers) mencubit: the lion had ~ed the carcass clean, singa itu telah menggisi bangkai hingga licin; 7. take up bit by bit, a. (with fingers, pointed instrument) mengutip: she ~ed the pieces of broken glass out of the sink, dia mengutip serpihan kaca dr sink itu; b. (with beak) mematuk, memagut: the hens were out ~ing grains of rice off the ground, ayam-ayam itu dilepaskan utk | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |