stake 1 | 2. often ~ off, ~ out, mark with stakes, memancang: the vegetable garden has been ~d off, kebun sayur itu telah dipancang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
peg | vt 1. knock or insert a peg into, memasak: the pieces were ~ged together, kepingan-kepingan itu dipasak semua sekali; 2.plug a hole (of cask) menyumbat, memalam: to ~ a barrel, menyumbat tong; 3. also ~ down,drive into the ground to hold ropes,memancang, merancang: the tent was ~ged securely at four points, khemah itu dipancang dgn kukuh pd empat sudut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |