radiate | vt 1. emit, memancarkan; (light) menyinarkan, memancarkan: the body ~s heat, badan memancarkan haba; jewels that ~ light, permata yg memancarkan cahaya; 2. (fig.) terpancar drpd; (of eyes) memancarkan: a woman who ~s confidence, keyakinan yg terpancar drpd gerak-geri wanita itu; eyes radiating happiness, mata yg memancarkan kegembiraan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
emit | vt 1. send forth, a. (smoke, fluid, etc) mengeluarkan: the chimney ~ted smoke and soot, serombong itu mengeluarkan asap dan jelaga; the device ~s a warning sound, alat itu mengeluarkan bunyi amaran; b. (heat, light, etc) memancarkan: radium was found to ~ radiation, radium didapati memancarkan sinaran; 2. give voice to, utter, menghamburkan: he ~ted a string of curses, dia menghamburkan sumpah seranah; ~ a scream, menjerit, memekik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
transmit | vt 1. send, a. (message, information, etc by electronic means) menghantar: the message was ~ted by telephone, pesanan itu dihantar melalui telefon; the satellite ~s information to earth, satelit menghantar maklumat ke bumi; b. (programme, film, etc by radio or TV) menyiarkan: the royal wedding was ~ted live throughout the world, perkahwinan diraja itu disiarkan secara langsung ke seluruh dunia; the warnings concerning the approaching typhoon were ~ted hourly on local radio and TV, amaran ttg taufan yg akan berlaku disiarkan setiap jam di radio dan TV tempatan; c. (through transmitter or satellite) memancarkan: this device will ~ a signal for as long as the battery lasts, alat ini akan memancarkan isyarat selama bateri berkuasa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lambent | adj 1. (of flame, light) flicker across surface of st, berkilauan: the fire threw ~ shadows on the old table,,/i> api itu memancarkan cahaya yg berkilauan pd meja tua itu; 2. softly radiant, bercahaya: the ~ sky at dawn, langit yg bercahaya pd waktu subuh; 3. (of wit, humour, etc) light and brilliant, cerdas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lambent | adj 1. (of flame, light) flicker across surface of st, berkilauan: the fire threw ~ shadows on the old table,,/i> api itu memancarkan cahaya yg berkilauan pd meja tua itu; 2. softly radiant, bercahaya: the ~ sky at dawn, langit yg bercahaya pd waktu subuh; 3. (of wit, humour, etc) light and brilliant, cerdas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lurid | adj 1. (derog) a. violent, mengerikan: an account of the massacre was published with all its ~ details, cerita ttg pembunuhan beramai-ramai itu disiarkan dgn segala butiran yg mengerikan; b. sensational (esp involving sex or immoral activities) menggemparkan, penuh sensasi: the ~ covers of cheap novels, gambar kulit novel picisan yg penuh sensasi; 2. unnaturally bright, garish, menyilaukan (mata): curtains made of cheap material in ~ colours, langsir yg dibuat drpd kain murah yg warnanya menyilaukan; the setting sun cast a ~ light over the hills, matahari terbenam memancarkan cahaya yg menyilaukan dr balik bukit-bukau itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |