glaringly | adv /amat, begitu/ nyata: it is ~ obvious that they hate one another, memang begitu nyata mereka membenci antara satu sama lain. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
like 1 | 2. in the same way as, /seperti, macam/ [+ approp n]: to swim ~ a fish, berenang seperti ikan; he plays ~ a professional, dia bermain seperti seorang pemain profesional; what is / so., st/ ~, /bagaimana, macam mana/ dgn /sso, sst/: what’s the new boss ~?, bagaimana dgn bos baru?; 3. typical of, memang begitu; (with negative) biasanya: it’s just ~ Timmy to be so helpful, Timmy memang begitu, sangat suka menolong orang; it’s not ~ her to break a promise, biasanya dia tdk mungkir janji; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
like 1 | 2. in the same way as, /seperti, macam/ [+ approp n]: to swim ~ a fish, berenang seperti ikan; he plays ~ a professional, dia bermain seperti seorang pemain profesional; what is / so., st/ ~, /bagaimana, macam mana/ dgn /sso, sst/: what’s the new boss ~?, bagaimana dgn bos baru?; 3. typical of, memang begitu; (with negative) biasanya: it’s just ~ Timmy to be so helpful, Timmy memang begitu, sangat suka menolong orang; it’s not ~ her to break a promise, biasanya dia tdk mungkir janji; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
All | b. finished, [various translations]: that’s ~ over and done with, semua itu sudah berlalu; it’s ~ over between them, hubungan mereka sudah putus; c. typically, memang: that’s Joe ~ over, Joe memang begitu; ~ right, see ALL RIGHT; ~ round, a. for all present, utk semua (yg hadir): to buy drinks ~ round, membeli minuman utk semua; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
understandable | 2. ( of behaviour) memang difahami: under the circumstances, his rage is quite ~, dlm keadaan begitu, rasa berangnya memang difahami; your reaction was quite ~, reaksi kamu memang difahami. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
struggle | it’s no use trying to ~ against the system. It has been there for too long, memang tdk ada gunanya menentang pentadbiran yg ada. Itu memang sudah wujud begitu lama sekali; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
so | “He’s full of remorse because of the way he treated you.” “And ~ he ought to be!, “Dia menyesal betul krn perlakuannya thdp kamu.” “Memang sepatutnya begitu!”; “Today’s our wedding anniversary, isn’t it?” “S~ it is!”, “Hari ini hari ulang tahun perkahwinan kita, bukan?” “O ya!”; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
palpable | adj 1. obvious, ketara: how he thought he could get away with such a ~ lie is beyond me, bagaimana dia fikir dia boleh lepas setelah menipu dgn begitu ketara memang tdk saya fahami; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
justness | n 1. fairness, impartiality, keadilan, kesaksamaan; 2. validity, soundness, memang patut: the ~ of their sentiment, memang patut mereka mempunyai perasaan begitu; 3. accuracy, correctness, ketepatan: the ~ of his perception, ketepatan tanggapannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
too | 5. a. (colloq), (in negative sentences) very, begitu: I don’t feel ~ fit today, saya berasa tdk begitu sihat hari ini; he didn’t do ~ well in his exams, keputusan peperiksaannya tdk begitu baik; b. extremely, terlampau, terlalu, sangat: you are ~ kind, tuan terlampau baik; it was just ~ beautiful, itu memang terlalu cantik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |