colour | give false ~ to, membelit-belitkan: reporters sometimes have the tendency to give false ~ to the news they report, wartawan-wartawan kadangkala cenderung utk membelit-belitkan berita yg dilaporkan; have a high ~, [muka sso] kemerah-merahan; have /very little, not much/ ~, pucat: she has very little ~, dia pucat or mukanya pucat; lose ~, (kelihatan) pucat: due to the illness, he had lost a little ~ from his cheeks, disebabkan penyakit itu, mukanya kelihatan agak pucat; nail o’s ~s to the mast, make known o’s opinions, principles, etc, menyatakan pendirian sso; paint st in glowing ~s, memberikan gambaran yg indah; sail under false ~s, berpura-pura: she liked to appear generous but we knew all along that she was sailing under false ~s, dia suka dilihat spt orang yg pemurah tetapi kami tahu dia hanya berpura-pura; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
coil | ~ /around, round/, see vi (sense 1. b.); ~ os /around, round/, (of snake) membelit: the snake ~ed itself around his arm, ular itu membelit lengannya; ~ st /around, round/, membelitkan sst pd: he ~ed the wire round the stick, dia membelitkan wayar itu pd sebatang kayu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
curl | ~ around, melingkari, membelit: the snake ~ed around the branch, ular melingkari dahan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
twine | ~ /around, round/ st, /melilit, membelit/ di sst, /meliliti, membeliti, melingkari/ sst: the vines ~ around the stem of the tree, pokok-pokok menjalar melilit di batang pokok; the snake ~d around her arm, ular itu meliliti lengannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
entwine | ~ os /about, round, around/ , meliliti, membelit: the vine ~s itself round the trellis, pokok anggur itu meliliti junjung; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wind2 | vt 1. rotate about a pivot, memusingkan: you ~ this handle to open the window, kamu pusing pemegang ini utk membuka tingkap itu; 2. also ~ up, tighten spring of (watch, clock) by turning knob etc, mechanism, mengunci: I forgot to ~ the watch and it stopped, saya lupa hendak mengunci jam dan jam itu terhenti; 3. turn or twist (st) repeatedly round an object, melilitkan, membelitkan: the wool is wound into balls, benang bulu itu dililitkan menjadi bebola; she wound the scarf around her neck, dia melilitkan skarf itu di keliling lehernya; ~ itself, membelit; (accidentally) terbelit pd: the snake had wound itself around the table-leg, ular membelit kaki meja itu; the umbilical cord had wound itself around the baby’s neck, tali pusat telah terbelit pd leher bayi itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |