build | vt 1. construct (gen) membina; (building or tall structure) membina, mendirikan: the ship was built in Sydney, kapal itu dibina di Sydney; the new settlers built churches and roads, peneroka-peneroka baru itu membina gereja dan jalan; 2. make (nest, fire, etc) membuat: the birds are ~ing their nests, burung-burung itu sedang membuat sarangnya; 3. cause to be constructed, membina: the government ~s almost all the schools in the country, kerajaan membina hampir semua sekolah di negara ini; 4. also ~ up, (establish and) develop or expand, membina: he built up his business from one small shop, dia membina perniagaannya drpd sebuah kedai kecil; it took a few centuries for the British to build an empire, orang British telah mengambil masa selama beberapa kurun utk membina sebuah empayar; good food ~s strong bodies, makanan yg baik membina tubuh yg kuat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
constructive | adj serving to improve, membina: a ~ attitude, sikap membina; ~ criticism, kritikan membina. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
construct | vt membina: to ~ a new house, membina rumah baru; a well ~ed aircraft, pesawat yg dibina dgn baik; to ~ a triangle, membina segi tiga; a difficult sentence to ~, ayat yg sukar dibina; your argument is ~ed on a faulty premise, hujah kamu dibina atas premis yg tdk sempurna. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
build | b. develop, strength, vigour of, membina sst: the belligerent countries continue to ~ up their forces, negara-negara yg sedang berperang itu terus membina angkatan tentera masing-masing; to ~ up o’s strength after recovering from an illness, membina kekuatan selepas pulih drpd penyakit itu; c. (savings etc) menambah sst; d. (hope) meningkatkan sst; e. fill with buildings, membangunkan sst, /membina, mendirikan/ bangunan-bangunan di: to ~ up an area, membangunkan sst kawasan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
reconstruct | vt 1. rebuild (edifice), /mendirikan, membina/ semula; (area), /membangunkan, membina/ semula: the old building has been ~ed on the same site, bangunan lama itu telah dibina semula di tapak yg sama; this part of the city was ~ed after the earthquake, bahagian bandar ini telah dibangunkan semula selepas gempa bumi; 2. reorganize, menyusun semula: the whole course in political science has been ~ed, seluruh kursus sains politik telah disusun semula; 3. build up a complete picture of, membina semula: the police tried to ~ the crime from the known facts, pihak polis mencuba membina semula jenayah itu drpd fakta-fakta yg diketahui. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rebuild | vt 1. (house, building, etc), /membina, mendirikan/ semula; (district, town, etc) membangunkan semula: they rebuilt the house on the same site, mereka membina semula rumah itu di tapak yg sama; the city of Agadir has been completely rebuilt since the earthquake, bandar Agadir telah dibangunkan semula seluruhnya sejak gempa bumi itu; 2. (fig.) membina semula: he decided to turn over a new leaf and ~ his life, dia mengambil keputusan utk mengubah perangainya dan membina semula hidupnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
develop | vt 1. cause to become larger, fuller, maturer, more advanced, etc, membina: exercises for ~ing muscles, senaman utk membina otot; character is ~ed at school, watak dibina di sekolah; to ~ a self-respecting, independent and progressive generation, membina generasi yg menghormati diri sendiri, dapat berdikari dan maju; 2. cause (bacteria, cell, plant, etc) to grow, [various translations]: the zygote is gradually ~d into the adult plant, zigot itu perlahan-lahan berkembang menjadi tumbuhan dewasa; the cutting will ~ roots if dipped in hormone powder, keratan itu akan mengeluarkan akar jika dicelup dlm serbuk hormon; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
build | ~ st out of, /membina, membuat/ sst drpd: they built their house out of wood, mereka membina rumah mereka drpd kayu; the birds ~ their nests out of twigs, burung-burung itu membuat sarang drpd ranting-ranting; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
throw | 16. cause to extend, membina: Caesar threw a bridge across the Rhine, Caesar membina jambatan menyeberangi Sungai Rhine; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bridge1 | vt 1. build bridge over, menjambatani, membina jambatan merentangi: the army is bridging the river, pasukan tentera sedang membina jambatan merentangi sungai itu; 2. span, merentangi, merintangi: a plank ~d the stream, sekeping papan merentangi anak sungai itu; 3.a. connect, merapatkan: measures to ~ the generation gap, langkah-langkah utk merapatkan jurang generasi; b. reduce (differences between two parties) mengurangkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |