tread | vt1. press or crush with the feet, memijak, menginjak, menjejak: the peasants were ~ing grapes, petani-petani itu sedang memijak anggur; the mahout was trodden to death by the enraged elephant, gembala gajah dipijak-pijak hingga mati oleh gajah yg berang itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
step | ~ on, a. put a foot on, tread, memijak; (accidentally) terpijak: the child ~ed on the snail, crushing it to a pulp, budak itu memijak siput babi itu, menenyeh-nenyehnya sehingga hancur; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
walk | ~ over, (colloq) a. treat very badly, memijak kepala: he allows his wife to ~ all over him, dia membiarkan isterinya memijak kepalanya; b. win easily, menewaskan [sso] dgn mudah: the home team ~ed over the opposition, pasukan tuan rumah menewaskan pihak lawan dgn mudah; c. win unopposed, menang tanpa bertanding; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stamp | ~ /on, upon/, a. bring the foot down hard on (st) memijak; (unintentionally) terpijak: he ~ed on the snail and squashed it flat, dia memijak siput itu sehingga hancur; she stumbled and ~ed on my feet, dia tersandung lalu terpijak kaki saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
tread | ~ on st, a. press st with the feet, /memijak, menginjak, menjejak/ sst; (accidentally), /terpijak, terinjak, terjejak/ sst: the little boy deliberately trod on his sister’s doll, budak kecil itu sengaja memijak anak patung adiknya; be careful not to ~ on the flower bed, hati-hati jangan pijak batas bunga itu; he stepped back, trod on a stone and fell over, dia berundur, terpijak batu lalu jatuh; b. set o’s foot down, berpijak dgn sst, berdiri atas sst: when I ~ on my right foot it hurts, saya berasa sakit apabila berdiri atas kaki kanan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
trample | vi & vt 1. memijak-mijak, menginjak-injak: someone has ~d all over my seedlings, anak benih saya itu sudah dipijak-pijak orang; the stallion knocked Ismail over and ~d on him, kuda jantan itu menumbangkan Ismail dan memijak-mijaknya; the elephant ~d its mahout to death, gajah itu menginjak-injak gembalanya hingga dia mati; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stamp | b. extinguish fire by crushing it with the foot, memadamkan api dgn memijak-mijaknya: he tried to ~ out the fire and got his legs badly burnt, kakinya melecur teruk setelah mencuba memadamkan api dgn memijak-mijaknya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
scrunch | vt compress, crush, menenyeh(-nenyeh), memijak(-mijak): they ~ the broken glass beneath their feet, mereka menenyeh kaca pecah dgn kaki mereka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
step | ~ in, a. put foot into st, memijak; (accidentally) terpijak: groping about in the dark, she ~ped in something soft and wet, sedang dia teraba-raba dlm gelap, dia terpijak sesuatu yg lembut dan basah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
step | she ~ed on a piece of broken glass and cried out in pain, dia terpijak serpihan kaca dan menjerit kesakitan; b. treat badly, memijak kepala: Mary didn’t care whether she ~ed on anyone or not as long as she got what she wanted, Mary tdk peduli sama ada dia memijak kepala orang atau tdk asalkan dia mendapat apa yg dihajatinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |