possession | b. (property etc) memiliki: the family is in ~ of the property, keluarga itu memiliki harta tersebut; be in ~ of o’s senses, waras: he surely cannot be in ~ of his senses to act in this manner, dia tentu tdk waras apabila berkelakuan begitu; take ~ (of), a. (property) memiliki + approp n: it may be some weeks before we can take ~, mungkin beberapa minggu lagi baru kita boleh memiliki rumah itu; b. (documents etc) merampas: the police have taken ~ of all the relevant documents, pihak polis telah merampas semua dokumen yg bersangkutan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
own | vt 1. possess, mempunyai, memiliki; (used with determiner or definite article) memiliki, milik, tuan punya, kepunyaan, pemilik, punya: he ~s three houses, dia mempunyai tiga buah rumah; I used to ~ a car, but not anymore now, dahulu saya mempunyai kereta, tetapi sekarang tdk lagi; who ~s the farm across the river?, siapa tuan punya ladang di seberang sungai itu? or siapa yg memiliki ladang di seberang sungai itu? or ladang di seberang sungai itu kepunyaan siapa?; he still ~ the business, dia masih memiliki perniagaan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
possessive | adj 1. of possession,pemilikan, utk memiliki: he had no ~ rights to the estate, dia tdk ada hak utk memiliki harta pusaka itu; 2. showing excessive desire to own or control, a. (so.) cemburu: her ~ nature made life difficult for her children, sifat cemburunya menyukarkan anak-anaknya;b. (st), (bersifat) tdk mahu berkongsi: children are often very ~ about their toys, kanak-kanak biasanya bersifat tdk mahu berkongsi anak patung mereka; 3. (gram.) milik: ~ case, kasus milik; ~ pronoun, kata ganti milik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
repossess | vt take back possession of, memiliki semula. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
possess | vt 1. own, mempunyai, memiliki: the family ~es vast areas of land in the interior, keluarga itu mempunyai beberapa bidang tanah yg luas di kawasan pedalaman; he was robbed of all he ~ed, semua harta yg dimilikinya telah dirompak; 2. have as a faculty, quality etc, mempunyai: he ~s good eyesight, dia mempunyai penglihatan yg baik; to ~ the quality of leadership, mempunyai kualiti kepimpinan; 3. obsess, menghantui, menguasai, mempengaruhi: she is ~ed by envy, dia dihantui oleh perasaan cemburu; all of a sudden, fear ~ed him and he became fixed to the spot, tiba-tiba dia dikuasai oleh rasa takut lalu dia terpaku di tempat itu; 4. be controlled by evil spirit, merasuk: she must have been ~ed to murder her own husband, dia tentu telah dirasuk hingga sanggup membunuh suaminya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stake 1 | b. (declare a special interest) menyatakan minat utk memiliki; (state that one has a right to claim) mengaku [sso] sbg milik sso. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
have | vt 1. often ~ got, (lit. & fig.), (be the possessor of) ada, mempunyai; (be the owner of) memiliki; (in combination with expression of quantity), [sometimes not translated]: they ~ a maid and a driver as well, mereka mempunyai seorang pembantu rumah dan juga seorang drebar; I ~n’t got a pen on me, saya tdk ada pen; His Majesty has twenty Rolls Royces, baginda memiliki dua puluh buah kereta Rolls Royce; they ~ lots of children, anak mereka banyak; they ~ high hopes for their children’s future, mereka mempunyai harapan yg tinggi thdp masa depan anak-anak mereka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jointly | adv 1. (foll verb) bersama: to inherit ~ the estate of the deceased, memiliki bersama harta pusaka si mati; 2. (preceding adj) sama-sama: to be ~ liable for the damage, dianggap sama-sama bertanggungjawab atas kerosakan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sigh | ~ for st, yearn for st, teringin: the woman ~ed for a house of her own, perempuan itu teringin memiliki rumahnya sendiri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
plantation | n 1. large estate of usu tropical crops, ladang: he owns a rubber ~ north of the city, dia memiliki ladang getah di bahagian utara bandar itu; 2. a group of cultivated trees or plants, hutan: large ~s of pines cover the slopes, hutan-hutan pokok pain yg luas meliputi lereng-lereng bukit itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |