evacuate | vt 1. send (so.) away to a place of safety, memindahkan: the government will ~ all the women and children, kerajaan akan memindahkan semua wanita dan kanak-kanak; 2. a. take all the people away from, memindahkan /penduduk, penghuni/ dr: the whole town was ~d when one of the nuclear plants exploded, seluruh penduduk bandar itu dipindahkan apabila salah satu drpd loji nuklear meletup;b. (esp mil) leave or withdraw from, meninggalkan, berundur dr: as the Allied forces drew nearer, they were given orders to ~ the area, apabila tentera Bersekutu semakin hampir, mereka diberi perintah supaya berundur dr kawasan itu; 3. (fml) empty (the bowels) mengosongkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
transfer | vt 1. cause to move (from one place or person to another) memindahkan: the bank automatically ~s the money to his savings account, bank itu memindahkan wangnya secara automatik ke akaun simpanannya; we will be ~ring the business to our new building in July, kami akan memindahkan perniagaan itu ke bangunan kami yg baru pd bulan Julai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
remove | vt 1. change the location of, memindahkan: he ~d his family to the city, dia memindahkan keluarganya ke kota; 2. move (so., st) away, mengalihkan: she ~d the plates from the table, dia mengalihkan pinggan-pinggan dr meja itu; please ~ your hand from my arm, tolong alihkan tangan kamu dr lengan saya; 3. take off (clothing etc) menanggalkan: he ~d his coat and hung it up, dia menanggalkan kot dan menyangkutkannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
alienate | vt 1. estrange, (act.) merenggangkan; (pass.) terenggang: his gambling habit ~d his friends, tabiatnya yg suka berjudi merenggangkannya drpd kawan-kawannya; 2. turn away, divert, memindahkan, mengalihkan: to ~ so’s affection, memindahkan kasih sayang sso; 3. (leg.) memberi milik: he was forced to ~ much of his land to the crown, dia terpaksa memberi milik sebahagian besar drpd tanahnya kpd kerajaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
displace | vt 1. remove from usual place, mengalih, memindahkan, mengubah tempat: many items had been ~d, banyak barang telah dialih; 2. expel from home, homeland, (act.) menyebabkan [sso] terpaksa berpindah; (pass.) terpaksa berpindah: thousands of people have been ~d by the war, beribu-ribu orang terpaksa berpindah akibat perang; ~d person, orang tdk bertempat; 3. replace, (act.) menggantikan; (pass.) berganti dgn: modern machines have ~d the peasant’s tools, mesin moden telah menggantikan alatan petani; the volunteers were ~d by regular soldiers, para sukarelawan telah berganti dgn askar biasa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
removal | n 1. act of moving by taking away, pemindahan, memindahkan: a firm that specializes in furniture ~, firma yg mengkhusus dlm pemindahan perabot; 2. dismissal from office, penyingkiran: after the President’s ~ from office ..., selepas penyingkiran Presiden dr jawatannya ...; 3. act of eliminating, penyingkiran: the ~ of his name from the list, penyingkiran namanya dr senarai itu; 4. act of getting rid of, menghilangkan: the ~ of greasy stains, menghilangkan bekas-bekas minyak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
transplant | vt 1. remove (plant) from one place to another, memindahkan, mengubah: the seedlings should be ~ed when they are two inches high, anak benih itu patut dipindahkan apabila tingginya dua inci; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
move | vt 1. cause (st)to change place or position, mengalihkan; (person, animal) memindahkan: let’s ~ this table over there, mari kita alihkan meja ini ke sana; please ~ your car, it’s blocking the entrance | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
private | adj 1. personal, peribadi: the manager was away on ~ business, pengurus tiada di pejabat krn urusan peribadi; he transferred the money to his ~ account, dia memindahkan wang itu ke dlm akaun peribadinya; P~ and Personal, Sulit dan Peribadi; 2. independent, not connected with government, swasta, persendirian: ~ enterprise, perusahaan swasta; his children go to a ~ school, anak-anaknya belajar di sekolah swasta; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wangle | vt 1. (colloq) get (st) by being cleverly persuasive etc, membuat helah supaya: he managed to ~ an invitation to the reception, dia membuat helah supaya mendapat jemputan ke majlis itu; 2. carry out a task with great difficulty,approp v + [sst] dgn susah payah: they spent the morning wangling furniture out of the attic to the basement, sepanjang pagi, mereka memindahkan perabot dgn susah payah dr loteng ke tingkat bawah tanah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |