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Kata Terbitan : bertanam, menanam, tertanam, penanam,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

infusevt 1. instill, menanam, menyemai: he was able to ~ courage into his men, dia berjaya menanam semangat berani dlm jiwa orang-orangnya; 2. fill (so. with courage, desire to do st, etc) menanam, menyemai: to ~ so. with the desire to succeed, menanam semangat ingin berjaya dlm jiwa sso; 3. soak, menyeduh, merendam: the herbs are ~d in hot water, herba itu diseduh dlm air panas.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
buryvt 1. place (a corpse) in a grave, mengebumikan; (coarse) menanam: they buried the general with full military honours, mereka mengebumikan jeneral itu dgn penuh kehormatan tentera; he was buried at sea, dia dikebumikan di laut; he killed the girl and buried her body in the bushes, dia membunuh perempuan itu dan menanam mayatnya di belukar; 2. place (dead body, thing) in the ground and cover with earth, menanam: I saw the dog ~ing the bone, saya nampak anjing itu menanam tulang; she buried the rubbish, dia menanam sampah sarap;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
pot 1vt 1. plant in flower pot, menanam [sst] dlm pasu: the gardener ~ted the cuttings, tukang kebun itu menanam keratan-keratan itu dlm pasu; 2. shoot game for food, menembak [sst] utk makanan: he ~ted a rabbit for their dinner, dia menembak seekor arnab utk makan malam; 3. (in billiards) menojok [bola] ke dlm saku meja biliard: unfortunately, he ~ted the wrong ball, malangnya dia menojok bola yg salah ke dlm saku meja biliard;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
plant 1 vt 1. often ~ out, place seed etc in ground to grow, menanam: he ~ed trees around the pool, dia menanam pokok di sekeliling kolam renang itu; the seedling’s have been ~ed out in the garden, anak-anak benih itu telah ditanam di taman; 2. sow (with crop etc) menanami: he ~ed five acres with sugarcane, dia menanami lima ekar tanah dgn tebu; 3. fix, place in certain position, [various translations]: he ~ed his feet firmly on the ground and refused to budge, dia berdiri dgn kakinya terpaku di tanah dan enggan bergerak; the place is well guarded, with sentries ~ed at every door,Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bedvt 1. have sexual intercourse with, meniduri; 2. embed, menanam; 3. plant in a bed of soil, menanam;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
infusionn 1. act of, a. (instilling) penanaman, penyemaian, menanam, menyemai; b. (filling so. with courage, desire to do st, etc) menanam, menyemai; c. (soaking) penyeduhan, perendaman, menyeduh, merendam; 2. liquid made by infusing, (air) seduhan: she was given an ~ of herbs to drink, dia diberi air seduhan herba utk diminum; 3. (med) infusi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
growvt 1. develop (branch, roots, etc) ber-: male deer ~ antlers, rusa jantan bertanduk; 2. allow to grow, menyimpan: he has ~n a beard, dia menyimpan janggut; 3. cultivate, menanam: she ~s roses, dia menanam pokok bunga mawar;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
plant 1 siapakah yg menanam prasangka begitu dlm kepalanya; 5. place, deliver with accurate aim, [use approp v]: he ~ed a blow on his opponent’s nose, dia menumbuk hidung lawannya; ~ a kiss on so’s cheek, mencium pipi sso; 6. (colloq) hide, position secretly, a. (so.) meletakkan sso secara diam-diam: several spies have been ~ed in various government departments, beberapa orang pengintip telah diletakkan secara diam-diam di beberapa jabatan kerajaan; b. (st) menyembunyikan: the thief had ~ed the gun in a dustbin outside the house, pencuri telah menyembunyikan senapang tersebut dlm tong sampah di luar rumah itu; 7. place fish etc in river etc, melepaskan: trout have been ~ed in all the mountain streams, ikan-ikan trout telah dilepaskan dlm semua anak sungai di pergunungan itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
plant 1 tempat itu dikawal rapi dgn penjaga ditempatkan di setiap pintu; she ~ed a dagger in his chest, dia membenamkan pisau pd dada lelaki itu; he ~ed his chair beside hers, dia meletakkan kerusinya di sebelah kerusinya; ~ os, duduk: she ~ed herself on the sofa in front of the fire, dia duduk di sofa di hadapan perapian; 4. fix in so’s mind, menanam: to ~ hatred in their hearts, menanam rasa benci dlm hati mereka; I wonder who has ~ed such suspicions in his head, saya tertanya-tanyaKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
tobaccon 1. (plant), (pokok) tembakau: he grows ~, dia menanam tembakau;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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