scratch | 2. scrape surface with claws, nails, mencakar: the girl ~ed her attacker in the face, gadis itu mencakar muka orang yg menyerangnya; cats like ~ing carpets, kucing suka mencakar-cakar permaidani; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
paw | vt 1. scratch with paw, mencakar: the bear ~ed the bark of the tree, beruang itu mencakar kulit pokok; 2. pound ground with hoof, menghentak-hentak kakinya ke: he jumped over the fence to safety when the bull started ~ing the ground, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
scratch | vi 1. scrape with claws, nails, mencakar: if you tease the cat, it will ~, kucing itu akan mencakar kalau diusik; 2. rub to release itching, menggaru, menggaruk: stop ~ing, jangan garu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
paw | vi ; ~ at, scratch at, mencakar: my cat mewed plaintively while ~ing at the door, kucing saya mengiau manja sambil mencakar pintu itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
claw | vt 1. scratch with claw, mencakar: he was ~ed by a tiger, dia dicakar oleh harimau; 2. make digging motions as with claws, meragas-ragas: he ~ed the wall in an attempt to escape, dia meragas-ragas dinding itu utk melepaskan diri; ~ o’s way up, meragas naik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
scrabble | vi 1. grope, meraba-raba mencari: she ~d for a pen in her handbag, dia meraba-raba mencari pen di dlm beg tangannya; 2. scrawl, scribble, mencakar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
provoke | vt 1. rouse to anger, a. (person) membangkitkan kemarahan, memberangsangkan, memprovokasi: his sharp remark ~d the old lady, kata-katanya yg kesat membangkitkan kemarahan perempuan tua itu; their continual sneering finally ~d him to violence, cemuhan mereka yg berterusan akhirnya memberangsangkan lelaki itu sehingga dia bertindak ganas; b. (animal) mengusik, mengacau, mengganggu: a cat will only scratch you if it’s ~d, kucing hanya akan mencakar kamu jika dikacau; 2. prompt, bring about, menimbulkan: his speech ~d strong reaction from a section of the audience, ucapannya menimbulkan reaksi yg hebat drpd sebahagian hadirin. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
he | c. (for recently deceased male person), (Muslim ruler or prince) almarhum; (other Muslim) Allahyarham; (non-Muslim) mendiang: in his lifetime ~ founded a number of mosques, semasa masih hidup, Allahyarham telah mendirikan beberapa buah masjid; 3. (ref to male animal), [usu not translated or the n is repeated]: be careful of that cat, ~ sometimes scratches, berhati-hati dgn kucing itu, kadang-kadang mencakar orang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |