listen | ~ in (to), listen to the radio, mendengar radio: were you ~ing in to the news last night?, kamu mendengar berita malam tadi?; ~ in (on), /memasang telinga, menelinga/ utk mendengar: she ~ed in on their conversation, dia memasang telinga utk mendengar perbualan mereka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hear | vt 1. perceive with the ears, mendengar: I can ~ the baby crying, saya dapat mendengar bayi itu menangis; you’d better ~ what he has to say, lebih baik kamu dengar apa yg hendak dikatakannya; 2. learn of, mendengar: I only ~d the news yesterday, saya baru mendengar berita itu semalam; 3. (leg.) mendengar: the case was ~d in the magistrate’s court, kes itu didengar di mahkamah majistret; 4. grant, memakbulkan: God ~d my prayers, Tuhan telah memakbulkan doaku; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
listen | ~ to, a. hear intentionally, mendengar: I enjoy ~ing to jazz, saya gemar mendengar lagu jaz; b. pay attention to, mempedulikan, mengendahkan, mendengar: they don’t always ~ to their father’s advice, mereka selalunya tdk mempedulikan nasihat bapa mereka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hear | ~ of, mendengar ttg: he might be a big name over there but we have not ~d of him, dia mungkin orang yg terkenal di sana tetapi kami tdk pernah mendengar tentangnya; not ~ of, tdk mahu mendengar langsung: the teacher won’t ~ of such an excuse, guru itu tdk mahu mendengar langsung alasan spt itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hear | ~ about, mendengar berita ttg: I ~d about the accident from my cousin, saya mendengar berita ttg kemalangan itu drpd sepupu saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
much | hear ~ of, (sering) mendengar berita ttg: we haven’t heard ~ of that plan for some time now, sudah lama kami tdk mendengar berita ttg rancangan itu; how ~?, (ref to substance) berapa banyak; (ref to cost) berapa harga; ( | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
listen | vi mendengar; (imper) dengar: I advised her against it but she wouldn’t ~, saya telah menasihati dia ttg hal itu tetapi dia tdk mahu mendengar; ~ carefully, dengar baik-baik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
tame | 2. (of person) weak, compliant, /mendengar, menurut/ kata: she finds her husband rather ~, dia dapati suaminya agak mendengar kata; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hear | vi 1. perceive sound with the ears, mendengar: she can’t ~ very well because of her age, dia tdk boleh mendengar dgn begitu baik krn dia sudah tua; 2. receive news, letter, etc, /menerima, mendapat/+ approp n: the student ~s from his family every week, pelajar itu menerima berita drpd keluarganya setiap minggu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
buttonhole | vt force (so.) to listen, memaksa [sso] mendengar + approp n: as I was leaving the office Miss Roberts ~d me, semasa saya hendak keluar dr pejabat, Miss Roberts memaksa saya mendengar ceritanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |