leap | ~ at so. /menerpa, menerkam/ sso: the tiger ~t at its trainer, harimau itu menerpa pelatihnya; ~ at st, a. accept chance, opportunity etc eagerly, merebut sst: he ~t at the offer, dia merebut tawaran itu; b. spring at, /menerpa, menerkam/ sst: the cat ~t at the ball of string, kucing itu menerkam bebola tali itu; c. try to reach st, melompat utk menangkap sst: he ~t at the rope but missed, dia melompat utk menangkap tali itu tetapi terlepas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
leap | ~ at so. /menerpa, menerkam/ sso: the tiger ~t at its trainer, harimau itu menerpa pelatihnya; ~ at st, a. accept chance, opportunity etc eagerly, merebut sst: he ~t at the offer, dia merebut tawaran itu; b. spring at, /menerpa, menerkam/ sst: the cat ~t at the ball of string, kucing itu menerkam bebola tali itu; c. try to reach st, melompat utk menangkap sst: he ~t at the rope but missed, dia melompat utk menangkap tali itu tetapi terlepas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lunge | ~ forward, menerpa, menerkam: he ~d forward and grabbed the girl’s handbag, dia menerpa lalu merenggut beg tangan budak perempuan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rush | ~ at, attack impetuously, menerpa, menerkam: he ~ed at me with drawn sword, dia menerpa saya dgn pedang terhunus; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dive | make a ~ for, menerpa ke arah: he made a ~ for the bushes when he saw some people approaching, dia menerpa ke arah semak apabila dia nampak beberapa orang semakin hampir; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
run | ~ at /so., st/, berlari /menerpa, menerkam/ sso: he ran at me with a knife in his hand, dia berlari menerpa saya dgn sebilah pisau di tangannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lunge | vi; ~ (out) /at, towards/, menerpa, menerkam: he ~d at his attacker with his stick, dia menerpa penyerangnya itu dgn kayu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
leap | ~ up, a. jump upward, menerpa, menerkam: the dog ~t up and licked the boy’s chin, anjing itu menerpa budak itu dan menjilat dagunya; b. suddenly get up from o’s seat, /melompat, meloncat/ bangun, bingkas: she ~t up from the chair when the phone rang, dia melompat bangun dr kerusinya apabila telefon berdering; c. begin to beat quickly, melonjak: at the very thought of him, her heart ~t up, apabila dia teringatkannya, hatinya melonjak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
leap | ~ up, a. jump upward, menerpa, menerkam: the dog ~t up and licked the boy’s chin, anjing itu menerpa budak itu dan menjilat dagunya; b. suddenly get up from o’s seat, /melompat, meloncat/ bangun, bingkas: she ~t up from the chair when the phone rang, dia melompat bangun dr kerusinya apabila telefon berdering; c. begin to beat quickly, melonjak: at the very thought of him, her heart ~t up, apabila dia teringatkannya, hatinya melonjak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
throw | ~ os at so., a. rush towards so., menerpa pd sso: the boy threw himself at his mother, budak itu menerpa pd ibunya; b. make advaces to, menyorong-nyorongkan diri pd sso: you shouldn’t ~ yourself at him like that: it m | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |