overhang | vt 1. project over, menganjur di atas: tall trees ~ the road, pokok-pokok tinggi menganjur di atas jalan itu; a rocky ledge ~s the bend of the river, belebas batu menganjur di atas selekoh sungai itu; 2. hanging down the side of, berjuntai di: bougainvillaea ~ing the garden wall, pokok bunga kertas yg berjuntai di dinding taman itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
range | vi 1. extend in a line, menganjur: the mountains that ~ to the north, gunung-gunung yg menganjur ke utara; the frontier ~s north and south, sempadan itu menganjur ke utara dan selatan; 2. wander, roam, merayau-rayau; (of mind) berkisar: the wild animals that ~ through the jungle, binatang-binatang liar yg merayau-rayau di hutan; pickpockets ~d through the streets, penyeluk saku merayau-rayau di jalan-jalan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
overhanging | adj menganjur; (of rock etc) jerangkau: ~ rubber trees, pokok-pokok getah yg menganjur; an ~ cliff, cenuram jerangkau. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
overhang | vi hang over, menganjur: the roof ~s by three feet, bumbung itu menganjur sebanyak tiga kaki; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beetle3 | vi menganjur: the cliffs that ~d over the sea, tebing tinggi yg menganjur ke laut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
run | the car ~s well now, kereta itu berjalan dgn baik sekarang; the whole operation ran smoothly, seluruh operasi itu berjalan lancar; 7. extend (in space) menganjur: a long jetty ~s out into the sea, jeti yg panjang menganjur keluar ke laut; a mountain range ~ning from north to south, banjaran gunung yg menganjur dr utara ke selatan; 8. (of play etc) go on for a certain period, berlangsung: the play ran for two years, drama itu berlangsung selama dua tahun; 9. (of legal document) be valid for a certain period, berlaku: the lease has 6 months to ~, pajakan itu berlaku selama enam bulan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jut | vi often ~ out, 1. stick out, terjulur: a roll of carpet ~ted out from the van, segulung permaidani terjulur dr van itu; 2. project, menganjur: the rocky headland ~s out into the sea, tanjung yg berbatu-batan itu menganjur ke laut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
protrude | vi 1. stick or jut out, menjulur, terjulur; (of landform) menjulur, terjulur, menganjur: he tore his coat on a nail that was protruding from the wall, kotnya terkoyak apabila terkena paku yg terjulur dr dinding itu; his big toe ~d through a hole in his sock, ibu jari kakinya yg besar terjulur dr lubang pd stokingnya; we could see ahead of us a large rock protruding out of a hill, di hadapan, kami dapat melihat batu yg besar terjulur keluar dr lereng bukit itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
project | vi protrude, a. (from horizontal surface) menonjol, mencocol, menjulur: there were sharp needles of rock ~ing from the seas, terdapat batu yg tajam yg menonjol dr laut; b. (from verticle surface) menganjur: a balcony that ~s over the lawn, langkan yg menganjur ke taman; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
tongue | 5. st resembling a tongue in shape, lidah: a ~ of land extended into the lake, lidah tanah yg menganjur ke tasik; bright ~s of flame licked at the log, lidah api yg menyala-nyala menjilat batang kayu itu; the ~ of the shoe, lidah kasut; the ~ of a bell, lidah loceng; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |