proscribe | vt (fml)denounce officially as dangerous, forbid, mengharamkan: the Church has ~d these practices, pihak gereja telah mengharamkan amalan-amalan ini; many of the drugs have been ~d, kebanyakan dadah itu telah diharamkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ban | vt prohibit, melarang; (by official decree) mengharamkan: smoking in the cinema is ~ned, dilarang merokok di dlm panggung wayang; the government has ~ned books on communism, kerajaan telah mengharamkan buku-buku ttg komunisme. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
assembly | n 1. group of people, gathering, perhimpunan, rapat: he was nervous at having to address such a large ~, dia berasa gementar krn diminta berucap di hadapan perhimpunan yg begitu besar; the school ~, perhimpunan sekolah; ~ room, bilik perhimpunan; 2. A~, legislative body, Dewan Undangan; 3. act, state, of gathering or being gathered, perhimpunan, perkumpulan: a law that prohibits the ~ of more than five persons, undang-undang yg mengharamkan perhimpunan lebih drpd lima orang; place of ~, tempat perhimpunan; unlawful ~, perhimpunan haram; 4. process of assembling machine, parts of structure etc, pemasangan; ~ /room, shop/, tempat pemasangan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |