contract | vi 1. enter into agreement, mengikat kontrak; (verbally) mengikat janji: he ~ed to complete the job in two years, dia mengikat kontrak utk menyelesaikan kerja itu dlm dua tahun; they ~ed to allow the farmer to use their field, mereka mengikat janji utk memajakkan ladang mereka kpd petani itu; 2. become smaller, shorter, etc, mengecut: the steel ~ed as it cooled, keluli itu mengecut apabila sejuk; 3. (of pupil of eye) mengecil; 4. draw together, a. (of muscle) mengecut; b. (of brow) berkerut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bind | vt 1. fasten, secure, tie, mengikat: they bound him hand and foot, mereka mengikat kedua-dua belah tangan dan kakinya sekali; the captive was bound to a post, tawanan itu diikat pd tiang; to ~ the sticks together with a cord, mengikat batang-batang kayu itu dgn tali; ~ st fast, fasten tightly, mengikatkan sst kuat-kuat: to ~ the rope fast, mengikatkan tali itu kuat-kuat; 2. also ~ up, encircle as with a band, mengikat: she bound her hair with a ribbon, dia mengikat rambutnya dgn reben; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
contract | vt 1. formally, undertake, membuat, mengadakan; (foll by infin) mengikat kontrak: to ~ an alliance, membuat perikatan; our firm ~ed to build the new hospital, syarikat kami telah mengikat kontrak utk membina hospital baru itu; ~ a marriage, mengikat tali perkahwinan; 2. a. cause to become smaller, shorter, etc, mengecutkan; (word etc) memendekkan, menyingkatkan: drying ~s wood, proses pengeringan mengecutkan kayu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
tie | vt 1. also ~ /so., st/ up, fasten with string, cord, etc, mengikat: the horse was ~d up to a tree, kuda itu diikat pd pokok; her hair was brushed and ~d up with a ribbon, rambutnya diberus dan diikat dgn reben; the children ~d the sticks into bundles, budak-budak itu mengikat kayu itu menjadi berkas; Ismail can now ~ his own shoelaces, Ismail sudah pandai mengikat tali kasutnya sendiri; the robbers ~d up their victims, perompak-perompak itu mengikat mangsa mereka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pinion 1 | vt 1. immobilize, prevent from moving, a. (by binding) mengikat: the bandits ~ed him and put him in the boot of the car, penjahat-penjahat itu mengikat dan meletakkannya ke dlm but kereta; b. (by holding arms) mengepitkan; (by crossing arms behind the back) mengilas ke belakang: they ~ed his arms to his side, mereka mengepitkan kedua-dua tangannya ke sisinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
strap | vt 1. secure with a strap, mengikat; (watch, holster, etc) memasang: he locked and ~ped the bulging suitcases, dia mengunci dan mengikat beg-beg pakaian yg kembung itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lace | vt 1. also ~ up, fasten with lace, mengikat tali: she ~d her shoes, dia mengikat tali kasutnya;2. thread cord, string through holes etc, membubuh tali: the little boy was obviously having trouble lacing his shoes, budak lelaki itu nampaknya menghadapi kesukaran utk membubuh tali kasutnya; 3. flavour with liquor, poison, etc, membubuh [sst] ke dlm: he ~d her coffee with brandy, dia membubuh brandi ke dlm kopi wanita itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lace | vt 1. also ~ up, fasten with lace, mengikat tali: she ~d her shoes, dia mengikat tali kasutnya;2. thread cord, string through holes etc, membubuh tali: the little boy was obviously having trouble lacing his shoes, budak lelaki itu nampaknya menghadapi kesukaran utk membubuh tali kasutnya; 3. flavour with liquor, poison, etc, membubuh [sst] ke dlm: he ~d her coffee with brandy, dia membubuh brandi ke dlm kopi wanita itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wire | vt 1. fasten with wire(s), mengikat [sst] dgn dawai: the lid was ~d to the crate, tudung itu diikat dgn dawai pd peti kayu; he ~d the label to the handle, dia mengikat label dgn dawai pd gagang itu; 2. stiffen with wire, membubuh dawai pd: you will have to ~ the collar to make it stand up, kamu hendaklah membubuh dawai pd kolar supaya kolar itu tegak; 3. connect wires in, memasang wayar pd, mendawaikan: they have finished wiring the house, mereka telah siap memasang wayar pd rumah itu; 4. a. (US) send (so.) a telegram, /mengirim, menghantar/ kawat kpd, mengirimi [sso] kawat: he ~d his parents on their wedding anniversary, dia mengirim kawat kpd ibu bapanya pd hari ulang tahun perkahwinan mereka; b. (US) send (st) by telegram, /mengirim, menghantar/ [sst] dgn kawat: he ~d the news to head office, dia mengirim berita itu dgn kawat ke ibu pejabat; he ~d the money to his brother, dia mengirim duit kpd adiknya dgn kawat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gag 1 | vt 1. stop up (mouth), a. (by stuffing with cloth etc) menyumbat mulut: his abductors bound and ~ged him, penculik-penculiknya mengikat dan menyumbat mulutnya; b. (by tying cloth etc across it) mengikat mulut; 2. muzzle (freedom of expression etc) menyekat: the press was effectively ~ged by the new law, kebebasan surat khabar disekat dgn cara berkesan oleh undang-undang yg baru itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |