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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

attendvt 1. be present at, menghadiri, hadir di; (classes, lectures) mengikuti, menghadiri: to ~ a seminar, menghadiri seminar; his lectures were well ~ed, banyak orang yg mengikuti kuliahnya; 2. go to, pergi ke, ke: my brother will not be ~ing school today, adik saya tdk akan pergi ke sekolah hari ini; to ~ church, pergi ke gereja; 3. study at, belajar di: she ~ed a boarding school, dia belajar di sekolah berasrama; 4. look after, menjaga; (by doctor, nurse, etc) merawat: to ~ the poor, menjaga orang-orang miskin; he was ~ed by an experienced doctor, dia dirawat oleh seorang doktor yg berpengalaman; 5. accompany, menyertai: success at last ~ed our efforts, kejayaan akhirnya menyertai usaha kami; 6. escort, accompany, mengiringi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
stay 1 d. continue to follow a course of st, terus mengambil; (diet, exercise, etc) terus mengikuti: the doctor asked Audrey to ~ on the medicine for one month, doktor menyuruh Audrey supaya terus mengambil ubat itu selama satu bulan; if you ~ on this diet faithfully for two weeks, you could lose two kilos, jika kamu terus mengikuti aturan diet ini dgn betul selama dua minggu, kamu dapat mengurangkan berat badan sebanyak dua kilo;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
old-fashionedadj 1. (of thing etc) fesyen lama; (of equipment, machine, etc) jenis lama; (of word, phrase, etc) lama; (of ideas etc) kolot, ketinggalan zaman: an ~ tie, tali leher fesyen lama; ~ turbine engines, enjin turbin jenis lama; what is the ~ word for radio?, apakah perkataan lama bagi radio?; 2. (of person) ketinggalan zaman, tdk mengikuti perkembangan zaman; (disapprovingly) kolot: teenagers often regard their parents as ~, golongan remaja selalu menganggap ibu bapa mereka tdk mengikuti perkembangan zaman.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
pick 1 after a year’s break from study it was difficult to go back to college and ~ up the threads again,selepas setahun meninggalkan pelajaran, sukar utk kembali ke kolej dan mengikuti semula pelajaran;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fashionn 1. current style, mode of dress, manner, thought, etc, fesyen: to dress in the latest ~, memakai fesyen yg terbaru; ~ - conscious, mengikuti fesyen; ~ show, pertunjukan fesyen; it was the ~ to go to the South of France in winter, pd suatu masa dahulu, pergi ke Selatan Perancis pd musim sejuk menjadi fesyen; 2. manner, gaya, cara; (of behaving), [not translated ]: he spoke in a rude ~, dia bercakap dgn gaya yg kasar; behave in a strange ~, berkelakuan ganjil;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
pick 1 the old Volkswagen ~ed up speed as it went downhill, kereta Volkswagen tua itu bertambah laju apabila menuruni bukit; ~ up the threads, memulihkan hubungan; (of studies etc) mengikuti semula pelajaran: the couple were able to ~ up the threads again after a long separation, pasangan itu dapat memulihkan semula hubungan selepas lama berpisah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
trackn 1. series of marks left by, a. (person, animal) jejak, /bekas, tapak/ kaki, runut: they followed the ~ of the lion, mereka mengikuti jejak-jejak singa itu; he tried to cover his ~s by sweeping the dust with the branch of a tree, dia mencuba menyembunyikan jejak-jejaknya dgn menyapu jejak-jejak itu dgn ranting pokok; b. (vehicle) bekas, runut: there were fresh wheel ~s in the mud, ada bekas tayar yg baru pd lumpur itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
restrictvt 1. keep (number, size within certain limit) mengehadkan: because of financial constraints the board ~ed the number of applicants applying to do the course, disebabkan kesulitan kewangan, pihak lembaga telah mengehadkan bilangan pemohon yg boleh memohon utk mengikuti kursus itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
classicn 1. example of acknowledged excellence, contoh klasik: the “makyung” can be considered one of the ~s of the Malaysian dance theatre, tarian makyung boleh dikatakan salah satu contoh klasik seni tari Malaysia; 2. book, play, any work of art of admitted excellence, approp n + klasik: Moby Dick is a ~, Moby Dick ialah novel klasik; 3. often C~, (in pl) classical studies, pengajian klasik: he read C~s at Oxford, dia mengikuti pengajian klasik di Oxford.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
completevt 1. make whole, melengkapi: I need one volume to ~ my set of Shakespeare’s plays, saya memerlukan satu jilid lagi utk melengkapi set buku drama Shakespeare saya; 2. make perfect, membuat sempurna: his presence ~d her happiness, kehadirannya membuat kegembiraan wanita itu sempurna; 3. a. finish doing, producing, making, (act.) menyiapkan, menyelesaikan; (pass.) siap, selesai: work on the tunnel will be ~d soon, kerja membina terowong itu akan siap tdk lama lagi; b. finish attending, serving, tamat + approp v: she has just ~d a six-month secretarial course, dia baru saja tamat mengikuti kursus kesetiausahaan selama enam bulan; 4. fill in, melengkapkan: to ~ a questionnaire, melengkapkan soal selidik.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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