disobey | vt mengingkari: he was punished for ~ing his parents, dia dihukum krn mengingkari ibu bapanya; to ~ orders, mengingkari perintah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disobey | vi mengingkari + approp n: he dared to ~, dia berani mengingkari arahan saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
defiance | n keingkaran: to show o’s ~ by refusing to cooperate, menunjukkan keingkarannya dgn tdk bekerjasama; bid ~ to, mencabar: the demonstrators bade ~ to the police, penunjuk-penunjuk perasaan itu mencabar pihak polis; in ~ of, mengingkari: in ~ of orders he left the camp, dia mengingkari perintah lalu meninggalkan kem itu; set st at ~, mengingkari sst: if you set the law at ~ you will be in trouble, jika kamu mengingkari undang-undang kamu akan mendapat kesusahan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
defy | vt 1. resist openly, menentang: the terrorists defied every attempt to subdue them, pengganas-pengganas itu menentang setiap percubaan utk menundukkan mereka; 2. refuse to obey, a. (person) melawan, mengingkari + approp n: you cannot ~ your superiors, kamu tdk boleh melawan ketuamu; the boy defied his father and went ahead to join the army, budak lelaki itu mengingkari perintah bapanya dan meneruskan rancangannya memasuki tentera; b. (the law, social convention, etc) mengingkari; 3. make impossible, tdk dapat: the problem defies solution, masalah itu tdk dapat diselesaikan; beauty that defies description, keindahan yg tdk dapat digambarkan; 4. challenge, mencabar: he defied me to prove that he was lying, dia mencabar saya utk membuktikan bahawa dia berbohong. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
tear2 | ~ up, rip, mengoyakkan; (fig.) abjure, go back on, mengingkari: he ~ up the contract and threw it on the floor, dia mengoyakkan surat kontrak itu dan membuangnya di lantai; the company is not likely to ~ up the agree | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dissent | vi; ~ from, (fml) a. refuse to assent to, menentang: they ~ed strongly from the court’s decision, mereka menentang keputusan mahkamah; b. refuse to accept (doctrines of established church) menentang, mengingkari: accused of ~ing from the Church of England, dituduh mengingkari Gereja England; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
repudiate | vt 1. disown, tdk mengaku: he ~d his wicked son, dia tdk mengaku anaknya yg jahat; 2. refuse, a. (to acknowledge) menolak: he ~d the charge of having neglected his duty, dia menolak tuduhan mengabaikan kewajipannya; one who would ~ any offer of friendship, seorang yg menolak sebarang tawaran persahabatan; b. (to abide by) mengingkari: to ~ a treaty, mengingkari perjanjian; c. (to discharge a debt) enggan membayar: the government ~d its debts, kerajaan enggan membayar hutangnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
elegiac | 6. hint, trace, unsur: an ~ of learning can be found in most children’s games, terdapat unsur pembelajaran dlm kebanyakan permainan kanak-kanak; 7. distinguishable section of a social group, anasir, elemen: the lawless ~s in society, anasir-anasir dlm masyarakat yg mengingkari undang-undang;8. (electr) elemen; 9. (math & geom) unsur; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
break | c. (fig.) also ~ off, memutuskan: he had to ~ the relationship, dia terpaksa memutuskan hubungan itu; the girl broke the engagement, gadis itu memutuskan pertunangannya; 3. snap, a. (deliberately) mematahkan: he broke a small piece off the chocolate bar, dia mematahkan sekeping kecil drpd coklat itu; b. (accidentally) patah, menyebabkan [sst] patah: he broke his neck, lehernya patah; they broke the leg of the table during the fight, sewaktu bergaduh, mereka menyebabkan kaki meja itu patah; 4. defy (strike) mengingkari arahan [mogok]; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |