top1 | /collapse, fall/ on ~ of /so., st/, /roboh, tumbang/ /menghempap, menimpa/ /sso, sst/: the tree fell on ~ of the car crushing the bonnet, pokok yg tumbang itu menimpa motokar dan meremukkan bahagian bonet; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
plague | vt 1. afflict, harass, menimpa, melanda, merundung: he was ~d by a feeling of guilt, dia dirundung perasaan bersalah; seriously ~d by strikes, the industry almost came to a standstill, industri itu hampir lumpuh akibat dilanda mogok yg serius; killer diseases that no longer ~ mankind, penyakit-penyakit pembunuh yg tdk lagi menimpa manusia; 2. (colloq) pester, mengganggu, mengacau: the children ~d their father with questions, kanak-kanak itu mengacau bapa mereka dgn berbagai-bagai soalan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
overtake | vt 1. catch up with and go past, memotong: he overtook the bullock cart, dia memotong kereta lembu itu; we should be able to ~ them if we hurry, kita seharusnya dapat memotong mereka sekiranya kita berjalan cepat; 2. befall, (of event, change) dialami; (of misfortune, trouble, calamity, etc) menimpa, melanda; (of storm, blizzard, etc) melanda, menimpa: changes that have ~n the country, perubahan-perubahan yg dialami oleh negara itu; disaster upon disaster overtook them, kecelakaan demi kecelakaan menimpa mereka; we were ~n by a storm, kami ditimpa ribut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hit | vi 1. strike, a. (gen) memukul; b. (with fist) menumbuk: he ~ right and left against his assailants, dia menumbuk ke kiri dan ke kanan ke arah penyerang-penyerangnya; c. (with open hand) menampar; d. (with hammer) mengetuk, memukul; e. (with whip) menyebat; 2. reach target, mengenai sasaran: he shot three times but ~ only once, dia menembak tiga kali tetapi hanya satu yg mengenai sasaran; 3. arrive with damaging effect, menimpa; (of storm, typhoon, etc) melanda: when trouble ~s, apabila kesusahan menimpa; take precautions before the hurricane ~s, berjaga-jaga sebelum badai melanda; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
prognosticate | vt(fml) 1. predict, meramalkan: he ~d disaster for the whaling expedition, dia meramalkan bencana akan menimpa ekspedisi menangkap ikan paus itu; 2. be a sign of a future event, presage, menjadi /petanda, alamat/: the accumulation of dark clouds in the sky ~d a storm, berkumpulnya awan gelap di langit menjadi petanda ribut akan melanda. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ill | n 1. evil, sst yg buruk: if any ~ should befall him..., sekiranya sst yg buruk menimpanya...; I do not wish him ~, saya tdk meminta sst yg buruk berlaku kepadanya; 2. misfortune, difficulty, kecelakaan, bencana: the people blamed him for all the ~s that fell upon the country, rakyat menyalahkannya atas segala kecelakaan yg menimpa negara itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |