puppet | n 1. boneka, anak patung; 2. (fig.) patung, boneka; (of government etc) boneka: the Prime Minister was accused of being the ~ of the big industrialists, Perdana Menteri dituduh menjadi boneka usahawan yg besar-besar; the Nazis set up a ~ government in the country, pihak Nazi mendirikan kerajaan boneka di negara itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sandwich | I was ~ed between two large women on the bus, saya terapit antara dua orang wanita bertubuh besar di dlm bas; the minister’s schedule is rather tight today but I’ll try to ~ your appointment in between two others, jadual menteri itu agak ketat tetapi saya akan cuba utk menyelangkan janji temu kamu di antara dua yg lain; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
interior | n 1. inside, inner part, bahagian dalam: the ~ of the house needs painting, bahagian dalam rumah itu perlu dicat; the ~ of the box is lined with silk, bahagian dalam kotak itu dilapik dgn sutera; the ~ of the earth, bahagian dalam bumi; 2. inland region, area, (kawasan) pedalaman; the ~ is largely desert, sebahagian besar kawasan pedalamannya ialah gu-run; 3. domestic affairs, dalam negeri: the Minister of the I~, Menteri Dalam Negeri; the Department of the I~, Jabatan Dalam Negeri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
well1 | ~ and truly, betul-betul, benar-benar: all hopes for a speedy truce have been ~ and truly dashed, semua harapan utk gencatan senjata dlm waktu singkat sudah betul-betul hancur-lebur; ~ done!, syabas!; ~ in with so., (sangat) /akrab, rapat/ dgn sso: Asrul is ~ in with the new minister, Asrul sangat akrab dgn menteri baru itu; ~ out of, ~ rid of, /mujurlah, untunglah/ [sso, sst] sudah /terlepas, bebas/ dr [sso, sst]: Simon’s moving here because the situation in head office is becoming unpleasant; he’s ~ out of it in my opinion, Simon berpindah ke sini krn keadaan di ibu pejabat makin lama makin tdk menyenangkan; pd pendapat saya mujurlah dia sudah terlepas dr situasi itu; I’m glad you’ve sold that huge expensive car. You’re ~ rid of it, saya gembira kamu sudah menjual kereta yg besar lagi mahal itu. Mujurlah kamu terlepas darinya; she’s ~ rid of that useless husband of hers, mujurlah dia bebas dr suaminya yg tdk berguna itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |