unwitting | 2. unaware, /tanpa, dgn tdk/ menyedari: the children, quite ~ of the danger, ran into the road, dgn tdk menyedari bahaya, budak-budak itu meluru ke jalan raya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wake 1 | ~ up to, become aware of,menyedari: the world is waking up to the danger of nuclear warfare, seluruh dunia menyedari bahaya perang nuklear; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
realization | n 1. consciousness, kesedaran; have no ~ of, tdk /sedar akan, menyedari/: they had no ~ of the danger involved, mereka tdk menyedari akan bahaya yg menunggu; 2. achievement, realisasi, pencapaian: the ~ of his hopes, realisasi harapannya; 3. conversion (of investment etc) into money, realisasi: the ~ of the firm’s assets, realisasi aset firma itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
appreciate | vt 1. be thankful for, menghargai: I ~ your assistance, saya menghargai pertolongan saudara; 2. fully understand, menyedari sepenuhnya: the children did not ~ the danger of the situation, kanak-kanak itu tdk menyedari bahaya keadaan itu sepenuhnya; ~ the fact that, menyedari, /sedar, faham/ akan hakikat bahawa; 3. enjoy, a. (st that gives relief, respite) suka kalau + approp v: I’m sure you’ll ~ a cold drink after the game, saya yakin kamu suka kalau dapat meminum minuman sejuk selepas permainan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pass | dia tdk menyedari bahawa dia telah membayarkan beberapa keping wang kertas 10 dolar palsu; after being ~ed several bad cheques, the shop refused to accept cheques anymore, selepas dibayar cek tendang beberapa kali, kedai itu enggan menerima cek lagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
incognizant | adj tdk sedar, menyedari: he was ~ of the true facts, dia tdk sedar akan hakikat sebenar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
awake | ~ to, sedar akan, menyedari: he was fully ~ to the dangers facing the country, dia sedar sepenuhnya akan bahaya yg dihadapi oleh negara itu; /keep, stay/ ~, berjaga: he stayed ~ all night, dia berjaga sepanjang malam; keep /os, so./ ~, dapat berjaga, tdk tidur: he drank three cups of coffee to keep himself ~, dia meminum tiga cawan kopi supaya dia dapat berjaga; keep so. ~, a. see keep /os, so./ ~; b. cause so. to be unable to sleep, menyebabkan sso tdk dapat tidur: the noise from the party kept him ~, bunyi bising dr majlis itu menyebabkan dia tdk dapat tidur; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
alert | adj 1. vigilant, berjaga-jaga, berawas-awas, berwaspada: the possibility of an attack kept them all ~, kemungkinan berlakunya serangan membuat mereka sentiasa berjaga-jaga; ~ to, cepat menyedari: ~ to the problem of racial polarisation, cepat menyedari adanya masalah polarisasi ras; 2. mentally perceptive, responsive, a. (of person) peka dan pintar; b. (of mind) cerdas; 3. prompt, brisk, cepat: ~ in answering questions, cepat menjawab soalan-soalan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cognizant | adj; be ~ of, mengetahui, menyedari: he was fully ~ of the facts of the case, dia betul-betul mengetahui fakta kes itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
alive | ~ and kicking, masih cergas; be ~ to, menyedari, sedar akan: he was ~ to the dangers working in the mine, dia sedar akan bahaya bekerja di lombong; be ~ with, a. see (sense 6.); b. be animated with, berseri-seri dgn: her face was ~ with laughter, mukanya berseri-seri dgn gelak ketawanya; c. be lively with, menjadi hidup: the air was ~ with the promise of spring, suasana menjadi hidup dgn tanda-tanda permulaan musim bunga; keep st ~, [various translations]: we must keep the fire ~ throughout the night, api itu hendaklah kita biarkan menyala sepanjang malam; it is cruel to keep the dog ~ when it is suffering, kejam kalau kita membiarkan anjing itu terus hidup terseksa; more dead than ~, sudah hampir-hampir mati. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |