touch | vt1. be, come into contact with, menyentuh: the tree had to be lopped because it was ~ing the overhead wires, pokok itu terpaksa dicantas krn hujungnya sudah menyentuh wayar-wayar sebelah atas; at the point where the curve of the graph ~es the line, pd takat kelok graf itu menyentuh garisan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brush1 | ~ against, menyentuh: a light breeze ~ed against her cheeks, angin sepoi-sepoi bahasa menyentuh pipinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brush1 | ~ over, pass over lightly, menyentuh [sst] sepintas lalu: he ~ed over the matter of a rise in salary, dia menyentuh perkara kenaikan gaji sepintas lalu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
skate 1 | b. make only passing mention of, menyentuh sepintas lalu: he just ~s over such problems as though they were unimportant, dia hanya menyentuh masalah-masalah itu sepintas lalu seolah-olah masalah tersebut tdk penting. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
allusion | n 1. act of making indirect reference to, /menyebut, menyentuh/ (secara tdk langsung): his ~ to my prison record was unnecessary, dia tdk perlu menyebut rekod penjara saya; make an ~, (secara tdk langsung) /menyebut, menyentuh/: he does not like people to make any ~ to his blindness, dia tdk suka orang menyebut hal matanya yg buta; 2. indirect reference, esp in literature, kilasan: an epic poem that is full of ~s, puisi epik yg penuh dgn kilasan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
moving | adj 1. arousing emotions, mengharukan, menyentuh perasaan: the woman gave a ~ account of her family’s experience during the siege, wanita itu memberikan laporan yg mengharukan ttg pengalaman keluarganya semasa pengepungan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
contact | n 1. act of touching, sentuhan, menyentuh: the disease is spread by ~, penyakit itu merebak melalui sentuhan; the mine will explode on ~, periuk api itu akan meletup apabila disentuh; 2. state of being in touch, hubungan: ~ has been reestablished with the cholera-stricken area, hubungan telah diadakan semula dgn kawasan yg ditimpa wabak taun itu; 3. person one contacts, contacted for st, orang hubungan: our business ~s in Manila, orang hubungan perniagaan kami di Manila; 4. (electr) connection, sentuhan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
allusive | adj 1. containing indirect reference, (secara tdk langsung) menyentuh, mengilat-ngilatkan: remarks that were ~ to her past, kata-kata yg mengilat-ngilatkan kehidupan masa silamnya; 2. using, full of allusions, penuh /alusi, kilatan/: an ~ style of writing, gaya penulisan yg penuh alusi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pick 1 | j.( colloq ) gain, get name, prize, etc, mendapat sst: he ~ed up a reputation as a Casanova, dia mendapat gelaran Kasanova; the film ~ed up three Oscars in a row, filem itu mendapat tiga oskar serentak; k. ( colloq ) collect st as wages, earn st, mendapat sst: there are supervisors in that company ~ing up $800 a month, ada penyelia di syarikat itu yg mendapat $800 sebulan; l. relate st back to an issue or topic, etc, menyentuh sst: the opposition leader kept ~ing up the point made earlier by the Prime Minister, ketua pembangkang itu asyik menyentuh perkara yg disebut sebelum ini oleh Perdana Menteri; m. detect verbal or written mistakes, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
personalize | vt 1. mark or label (stationery, clothing, etc) with initials etc, memberi tanda nama: to ~ the stationery, memberi tanda nama pd alat tulis itu; she ~d the towel by sewing her initials on it, dia memberi tanda nama pd tuala itu dgn menjahitkan parapnya; 2. cause (argument, issue, etc) to become concerned with personal feelings, menjadikan [n] sbg sst yg menyentuh peribadi: let’s not ~ this discussion, janganlah jadikan perbincangan ini sbg sst yg menyentuh peribadi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |