derive | vt 1. obtain, acquire, mendapat, memperoleh; (character, quality, etc) mewarisi: the mills ~ power from the new dam, kilang-kilang itu mendapat tenaga drpd empangan baru itu; he ~s pleasure from music, dia mendapat keseronokan drpd muzik; he ~d his enthusiasm for the theatre from his father, dia mewarisi minat thdp seni teater drpd bapanya; 2. deduce, membuat, menarik: to ~ a conclusion from the facts presented, membuat kesimpulan drpd fakta-fakta yg dibentangkan; 3. trace source, origin, formation of, mengesan asal: the dictionary ~s the word “bloom” from old Norse “bloom”, kamus itu mengesan asal perkataan “bloom” drpd perkataan dlm bahasa Norse lama “bloom”; be ~d from, berasal drpd: the ceremony is ~d from an ancient Hindu custom, upacara itu berasal drpd adat resam Hindu purba; 4. trace descent of, menyusurgalurkan; 5. (chem & math) menerbitkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |