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Kata Terbitan : berebut, merebut, perebutan,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

pluckvt 1. pick (fruit, flower, leaf, etc) memetik: she ~ed a bunch of grapes from the vine, dia memetik segugus anggur dr pokoknya; 2. tug, merebut, meragut, merenggut: she ~ed the letter from his hand and ran off, dia merebut surat dr tangan lelaki itu dan cabut lari; 3. remove feathers from(birds etc) before cooking, mencabut bulu: she was busy ~ing the chickens, dia sedang sibuk mencabut bulu ayam;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
contestvt 1. dispute, challenge, mempertikaikan: every clause in the bill was ~ed by the opposition, setiap fasal dlm rang undang-undang itu dipertikaikan oleh pihak pembangkang; the shareholders ~ed the accuracy of the report, para pemegang saham mempertikaikan ketepatan laporan itu; to ~ a will, mempertikaikan wasiat; 2. compete, a. (for st) bertanding utk merebut: to ~ a parliamentary seat, bertanding utk merebut kerusi parlimen; b. (in competition, election) bertanding dlm: ~ the race, bertanding dlm perlumbaan itu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
race 1 vi 1. compete in trial of speed , berlumba: twenty runners from ten different countries will ~ for the cup , dua puluh orang pelari dr sepuluh buah negara akan berlumba utk merebut piala itu; 2. move very fast , berkejar: I overslept and had to ~ to the office , saya terbangun lambat dan terpaksa berkejar ke pejabat; the children ~d home from school , budak-budak itu berkejar balik dr sekolah; 3. ( of engine ) bergerak laju; 4. ( of heart ) berdebar-debar: her heart ~d as she saw him , hatinya berdebar-debar apabila melihat lelaki itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
leap~ in, a. see vi (sense 1. a.); b. act urgently, merebut: if you hesitate someone else is sure to ~ in ahead of you, sekiranya kamu teragak-agak, sudah pasti orang lain akan merebutnya terlebih dahulu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
leap~ in, a. see vi (sense 1. a.); b. act urgently, merebut: if you hesitate someone else is sure to ~ in ahead of you, sekiranya kamu teragak-agak, sudah pasti orang lain akan merebutnya terlebih dahulu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
competitionn 1. act of competing, persaingan: there was keen ~ for the contract, ada persaingan hebat utk merebut kontrak itu; in ~ with, bersaing antara; (in contest, race, etc) bertandingan dgn; 2. event persons compete in, pertandingan: a ~ in essay-writing, pertandingan menulis esei; 3. person(s) competing with so., saingan, pesaing.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
grabvt 1. seize, take suddenly, a. menyambar: I ~bed it before it fell to the floor, saya menyambarnya sebelum barang itu jatuh ke lantai; she ~bed me by the arm and shoved me into the room, dia menyambar tangan saya dan menolak saya ke dlm bilik; b. (fig.) merebut: this is the only chance you’ve got, so ~ it!, inilah saja peluang bagimu, rebutlah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
contestn 1. competition, pertandingan, peraduan: a beauty ~, peraduan ratu cantik; an oratorical ~, peraduan syarahan; 2. struggle (for power, etc) persaingan; (in an election) pertandingan: there followed a long drawn-out ~ for control of the company, berikutan itu berlaku persaingan yg berlarutan utk merebut kuasa di syarikat itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bidn 1. offer of price (as at an auction) tawaran, bida: to make a ~ for the painting, membuat tawaran utk lukisan cat itu; there are several ~s for the chair, ada beberapa tawaran utk kerusi itu; 2. the price offered, tawaran, bidaan: a ~ of $200, tawaran $200; 3. an attempt, percubaan: a suicide ~, percubaan membunuh diri; make a ~ for, membuat percubaan utk, mencuba: to make a ~ for /power, freedom/, membuat percubaan utk /merebut kuasa, melepaskan diri/; 4. tender, tender, tawaran: ~s were invited for the construction of a bridge, tender dibuka utk membina sebuah jambatan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
runvi 1. move on foot rapidly, berlari: she ran upstairs to get it, dia berlari ke atas utk mendapatkannya; the child ran to meet his father, budak itu berlari utk menemui bapanya; he likes to ~ every evening, dia suka berlari setiap petang; 2. advance by rolling, bergolek: the ball ran to the fence, bola itu bergolek ke pagar; 3. take part in contest, race, berlumba lari: he ran in three events, dia berlumba lari dlm tiga acara; the horse will ~ in the Melbourne Cup, kuda itu akan berlumba lari utk merebut Piala Melbourne;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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