theirs | pron kepunyaan mereka, approp n + mereka, mereka punya: are those books ~?, adakah buku-buku itu buku mereka?; these pictures are ~, not mine, gambar ini mereka punya bukan saya punya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
turn | in ~, a. following in order of time or place, pula: we got the news from them; they in ~ got it from the office, kami mendapat berita itu drpd mereka; mereka pula mendapatnya dr pejabat; b. successively(concerning persons) bergilir-gilir, berganti-ganti; (concerning inanimate objects) berganti dr... ke...: the patients were all attented to in ~, para pesakit dilayani bergilir-gilir; the city was called in ~ Hollandia, Kota Baru, Soekarnapura and Jayapura, nama bandar itu berganti dr Hollondia ke Kota Baru ke Soekarnapura dan ke Jayapura; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
themselves | pron 1. (refl) diri mereka (sendiri); (ref to animals) dirinya: they kept some for ~, mereka menyimpan sedikit utk diri mereka; they will only hurt ~, mereka hanya mencederakan diri mereka sendiri saja; those w | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
suburbia | n suburbs regarded collectively, kawasan subbandar: they claim to live in the country, but really they live in ~, mereka mendakwa mereka tinggal di desa, tetapi sebenarnya mereka tinggal di kawasan subbandar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
spark | ~s fly, bertikam lidah, bertekak, berbantahan: whenever they meet, the ~s fly, bila-bila saja mereka bertemu, mereka akan bertikam lidah; strike ~s off each other, bersefahaman: those two seemed to strike ~s off each other and came up with some brilliant ideas, mereka berdua itu nampaknya bersefahaman betul dan dapat mengemukakan beberapa idea yg cemerlang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
uplifted | adj raised, (of face, head) terdongak; (of arms, hands) terangkat: they stood with ~ heads marvelling at the sight, mereka berdiri dgn kepala mereka terdongak, kagum dgn apa yg mereka lihat; the soldiers stood with ~ hands saluting their leader, askar-askar itu berdiri dgn tangan mereka terangkat menabik ketua mereka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
swear | ~ at, menyumpah: every time they fought they would ~ at each other, setiap kali mereka berkelahi, mereka akan menyumpah antara satu sama lain; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
woman | to a ~, setiap orang drpd mereka: they are certain to a ~ that they are right, setiap orang drpd mereka pasti yg mereka adalah betul. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
torture | vt inflict torture on, menyeksa: they ~d their prisoners in order to get information, mereka menyeksa orang tahanan mereka sbg usaha utk mendapatkan maklumat; doubts as to their sincerity ~d him, keraguannya ttg keikhlasan mereka telah menyeksa fikirannya; they ~d him in order to extract a confession, mereka menyeksanya supaya dia membuat pengakuan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unity | 2. agreement of aims and interests, kesepakatan, bersepakat: their ~ of purpose makes them strong, kesepakatan tujuan mereka menjadikan mereka kuat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |