machine gun | nmesingan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sputter | vi 1. splutter, menggerutup: a machine gun ~ed in the distance, bunyi mesingan menggerutup di kejauhan; the fire ~ed into life, api itu menggerutup lalu hidup; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
silence | 2. destroy, melenyapkan: the grenade ~d the machine gun, bom tangan itu telah melenyapkan bunyi mesingan; 3. force to stop expressing opinion, /mengunci, menutup/ mulut: he failed to ~ his opponents, dia gagal mengunci mulut lawannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pivot | vi often~ on, a. berputar: the mounting allows the machine gun to ~ easily, tapak itu membolehkan mesingan berputar dgn mudah; b. (fig.) berputar, berkisar: the whole debate ~s on this question, seluruh perbalahan berkisar pd persoalan ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
shoot | 2. discharge, a. (bullet) menembakkan: this machine-gun can ~ a hundred rounds per minute, mesingan ini boleh menembakkan seratus butir peluru seminit; the revolver ~s .45 calibre bullets, revolver itu menembakkan peluru kaliber .45; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
defence | 3. device which protects, a. (mil) pertahanan, alat pertahanan: the ~s of a city, pertahanan bandar raya; machine guns are a good ~ against attacks, mesingan merupakan alat pertahanan yg baik utk mematahkan serangan; b. (non-military), [various translations]: dykes were built as a ~ against the sea, daik dibina sbg pelindung drpd ancaman laut; white corpuscles are one of the body’s ~ es against germs, sel-sel putih merupakan salah satu bahan yg boleh mencegah kuman drpd masuk; 4. justification, membela diri: without listening to my ~ the board decided to take disciplinary action against me, tanpa memberi saya peluang untuk membela diri pihak lembaga membuat keputusan untuk mengambil tindakan tatatertib thdp saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hail 1 | n 1. small pellets of ice, ketulan hujan batu: the ~ has damaged the fruit, ketulan hujan batu telah merosakkan buah-buahan; 2. (shower) hujan batu; (storm) ribut hujan batu; 3. missiles directed against so., hujan: the soldiers were greeted with a ~ of machine-gun bullets, askar-askar itu disambut dgn hujan peluru mesingan; 4. (of abuse, criticism, etc) dihujani: a ~ of insults, dihujani penghinaan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
burst | n 1. breach or rupture, pecah: a ~ in the dyke, pecah pd benteng; a ~ in the water mains, pecah pd paip besar; 2. a. sudden esplosion, (of gunfire) letusan [n] yg /bertubi-tubi, berturut-turut/; (of shells) ledakan, letupan: there was a ~ of machine-gun fire, kedengaran letusan mesingan yg bertubi-tubi; shell ~s lit up the sky, ledakan peluru meriam menerangi langit; b. sudden violent occurrence or outbreak, (of flames) tiba-tiba bergejolak; (of thunder) dentuman; (of rain) tiba-tiba turun mencurah-curah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |