represent | dia mengatakan dirinya seorang akauntan yg berkelayakan; 8. be the spokesman for, mewakili: who will ~ the defendant at the trial?, siapa yg akan mewakili defendan dlm perbicaraan itu?; 9. embody, mewakili: these views ~ general public opinion, pendapat ini mewakili pendapat umum; 10. amount to, merupakan: such indiscretions almost ~ treason, perbuatan yg tdk bijaksana ini hampir-hampir merupakan derhaka besar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
representative | adj 1. typical of a class or kind, mewakili: a ~ collection of Japanese art, koleksi yg mewakili seni lukis Jepun; a Sheridan play ~ of 18th century comedy, lakonan Sheridan yg mewakili komedi abad ke-18; is your opinion ~ of those of the other workers?, adakah pendapat kamu mewakili pendapat pekerja-pekerja lain?; 2. based on representation, berperwakilan: ~ government, kerajaan berperwakilan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deputize, deputise | ~ for, mewakili: she was asked to ~ for the manager in his absence, dia disuruh mewakili pengurus itu semasa ketiadaannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unrepresentative | 2. not typical, tdk mewakili: this work is ~ of his usual style, karya ini tdk mewakili gayanya yg biasa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sample | 3. people or thing representing a larger group, golongan yg mewakili: I base my findings on a wide ~ of the blue collar workforce, saya mendasarkan penemuan saya pd golongan besar yg mewakili tenaga kerja kolar biru; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
appear | ~ for, hadir bagi pihak, mewakili : to ~ for the defence, hadir bagi pihak pembela; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
speak | 7. act for, represent as spokesman, bercakap; (in court) mewakili: he ~s for all the students, dia bercakap bagi pihak semua penuntut; in making this statement I ~ for all those who have supported your candidature, saya bercakap bagi pihak semua orang yg menyokong pencalonan kamu apabila saya membuat kenyataan ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
speak | they had a good lawyer ~ing for the defence, mereka mempunyai peguam yg baik utk mewakili pihak yg dituduh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
represent | vt 1. stand for, correspond to, merupakan: the figure ~s 1/3 of the gross national product, angka itu merupakan 1/3 drpd keluaran negara kasar; 2. act on behalf of, mewakili: he ~ed his country at the Olympic Games, dia mewakili negaranya di Sukan Olimpik; he was ~ed on the board of directors by his son, dia diwakili oleh anaknya dlm lembaga pengarah itu; 3. symbolize, melambangkan; (in math) ialah: the crown and sceptre ~ the power of the monarchy, mahkota dan cokmar melambangkan pemerintahan beraja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
play | vt 1. take part in a game, bermain: Harley ~s basketball for Chicago, Harley bermain bola keranjang mewakili Chicago; I ~ tennis nearly every Saturday, saya bermain tenis hampir setiap hari Sabtu; 2. oppose another individual, team in game, melawan, menentang: Germany ~ed Argentina at football yesterday, Jerman melawan Argentina dlm pertandingan bola sepak semalam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |