wind2 | vt 1. (usu pass.) cause to be breathless, (act.) menyesakkan nafas; (pass.) sesak nafas: the blow in the stomach ~ed him, dia sesak nafas kena tumbuk di perutnya; 2. give a horse time to breathe, memberi kuda masa utk bernafas: they ~ed the horses at the top of the hill, mereka memberi kuda masa utk bernafas di puncak bukit itu; 3. detect the presence of by scent, terbau, terhidu: the tiger ~s the hunters, harimau itu terhidu pemburu-pemburu itu; 4. (colloq) burp, menyendawakan: to ~ a baby, mensendawakan bayi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
breathe | ~ o’s last, menghembuskan nafas yg terakhir; ~ (new) life into st, memberi nafas baru kpd sst; as I live and ~, (colloq) selagi saya masih /hidup, bernyawa/; not ~ a word (of st to so.) tdk memberitahu (sso ttg sst), merahsiakan (sst drpd sso); ~ /again, freely (again)/, bernafas /semula, kembali/, berasa lega (semula); | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
suffocating | adj 1. menyesakkan nafas, melemaskan: ~ air in the room, udara yg menyesakkan nafas di dlm bilik itu; 2. (fig.) mengekang: a ~ dictatorship, pemerintahan diktator yg mengekang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
exhale | vi menghembuskan nafas: the child ~d violently as he came up to the surface, budak itu menghembuskan nafas dgn kuat semasa naik ke permukaan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
suffocate | 2. have difficulty in breathing, sesak nafas: we felt ~d in the airless railway carriage, kami sesak nafas berada di dlm gerabak kereta api yg tdk berudara itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
indrawn | adj; ~ breath, menarik nafas: there were one or two ~ breaths as the contestant prepared to dive into the sea, beberapa orang menarik nafas ketika peserta itu bersedia utk menjunam ke laut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
breath | as long as I have ~, selagi saya masih /bernafas, hidup/; catch o’s ~, nafas sso tertahan; for a ~ of fresh air, utk menghirup udara /bersih, nyaman/, utk mengambil angin; get o’s ~ (back), /dapat bernafas, berasa lega/ (kembali); have no ~ left, tdk dapat bernafas, tercungap-cungap; hold o’s ~, menahan nafas; in /one, the same/ ~ , dgn satu nafas, sekaligus; lose o’s ~, tercungap-cungap, termengah-mengah; be out of ~, sesak nafas, susah bernafas, tercungap-cungap, termengah-mengah; save o’s ~, jangan buang masa; take ~, bernafas, berehat utk menghilangkan lelah; take a deep ~, menarik nafas panjang; take so’s ~ away, membuat sso terpegun, menakjubkan sso; / under, below, beneath / o’s ~, perlahan-lahan: he said something under his ~ and left us, dia mengatakan sst perlahan-lahan dan meninggalkan kami. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lease | a new ~ /of, on/ life, mendapat nafas baru: he has taken on a new ~ of life since he returned from his extended holiday abroad, dia telah mendapat nafas baru sejak kembali drpd percutian yg lama di seberang laut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lease | a new ~ /of, on/ life, mendapat nafas baru: he has taken on a new ~ of life since he returned from his extended holiday abroad, dia telah mendapat nafas baru sejak kembali drpd percutian yg lama di seberang laut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bate | vt; with ~d breath, dgn nafas tertahan: the crowd watched with ~d breath as the boat drifted towards the waterfall, orang ramai yg berkerumun memperhatikan sampan itu hanyut menuju air terjun dgn nafas tertahan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |