negative | adj 1. expressing denial, refusal, a. (gen) negatif: he gave a ~ answer, dia memberikan jawapan yg negatif; b. (gram.) nafi: "not in the least" is a ~ expression, "tdk sama sekali" ialah ungkapan nafi; ~ sentence, /ayat, kalimat/ negatif; 2. not constructive, negatif: a ~ sort of person, seorang yg bersifat negatif; his attitude to change is always ~, sikapnya thdp perubahan selalu negatif; a ~ way of looking at things, melihat sst dgn cara yg negatif; 3. not showing what is hoped for or expected, tidak; (tech) negatif: he has tried looking for a job but so far with ~ results, dia telah cuba mencari kerja tetapi setakat ini tidak berhasil; ~ diagnosis, diagnosis negatif; 4. (math & phys) negatif; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
negative | n 1. statement expressing denial, refusal, a. (gen) negatif: the answer to my question was a ~, jawapan kpd soalan saya adalah negatif; b. (gram.) approp n + nafi; (of sentence), /ayat, kalimat/ nafi: "not" is a ~, "not" ialah kata nafi; 2. (photog) negatif; 3. (math & phys) negatif; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
minus | adj 1. (of sign) minus, tolak: the ~ sign stands for subtraction, tanda minus bermakna penolakan; 2. negative, negatif: ~ quantity, kuantiti negatif; ~ factor, kekurangan, kelemahan: they are very | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
print | 3. photograph from developed film, gambar, foto, gambar foto: I ordered three ~s from that negative, saya memesan tiga keping gambar dr negatif itu; 4. material with the printed design, kain cetak: a scarf in a floral ~, skarf drpd kain cetak yg berbunga-bunga; 5. impression made on surface by st pressed into it, kesan, bekas: the ~s of the film star’s hands and feet on the concrete pavement, bekas tapak tangan dan tapak kaki bintang filem itu tertera pd laluan jalan kaki konkrit tersebut; 6. see FINGERPRINT; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
set | there are several good points in this plan which ought to be ~ against the negative ones, ada beberapa perkara yg baik ttg rancangan ini yg harus ditimbang berbanding dgn yg negatif; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
block | ~ out, a. cover, menutup, melindungi: thick rain clouds were ~ing out the sun, mendung tebal menutup matahari; b. get in the way of, menyekat; c. (photog & printing) menutup: ~ out the top of the negative, tutup bahagian atas negatif itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
anywhere | b./b> at all close to (being) hampir; (in relation to distance) dekat, /berdekatan, berhampiran/ dgn; (in relation to time) dekat, hampir; (used with negative) see NOWHERE (nowhere near): are you ~ near finished?, adakah kamu hampir siap?; we cannot say that we are ~ near achieving our objective, kita tdk boleh mengatakan bahawa kita hampir mencapai matlamat kita; do you live ~ near Kuala Lumpur?, adakah kamu tinggal berdekatan dgn Kuala Lumpur?; is it ~ near time to go home?, adakah hampir masanya utk kita pulang?; get ~, berjaya: you won’t get ~ with that negative attitude, kamu tdk akan berjaya dgn sikap negatif spt itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |