enjoy | d. (life) menikmati, merasai nikmat: to ~ life, merasai nikmat hidup; 2. have as advantage or benefit, (income, right, privilege, trust) mendapat, memperoleh; (standard of living, prosperity, etc) menikmati: she ~s a good income from her inheritance, dia memperoleh pendapatan yg banyak drpd harta pusakanya; he ~s our complete trust, dia mendapat kepercayaan kami sepenuhnya; ~ good health, sihat; ~ /little, great/ success, /tdk berapa, sangat/ berjaya: as a writer, he ~s little success, sbg penulis, dia tdk berapa berjaya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
relish | n 1. enjoyment, pleasure, nikmat: he ate the steak with ~, dia makan stik itu dgn penuh nikmat; 2. zest, keghairahan, ghairah: he repeated the story with great ~, dia mengulangi cerita itu dgn penuh ghairah; 3. st that adds flavour, appetizer, pembuka selera: pickles, chutney and other ~es, jeruk, acar dan pembuka selera yg lain-lain; 4. (usu with negative) liking (for) suka, gemar: I have no ~ for the task, saya tdk suka tugas itu; 5. attractive quality, daya tarikan: without the companionship of friends, life would lose its ~, tanpa kawan, hidup akan kehilangan daya tarikannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
paradise | Hong Kong is a shoppers’ ~, Hong Kong ialah syurga dunia bagi pembeli-belah; 4. perfect, pleasurable situation, nikmat, kenikmatan: to me, swimming in the sea is sheer ~, bagi saya berenang di laut merupakan satu nikmat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ephemeral | adj short-lived, transitory, seketika: ~ pleasures, nikmat yg seketika. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flush1 | give st a ~, mencurahkan air ke dlm sst: the drain needs clearing: give it a ~, longkang itu perlu dibersihkan: curahkan air ke dalamnya; in the first ~ of, (semasa) mula mengecap nikmat: in the first ~ of victory hopes were high, semasa mula mengecap nikmat kemenangan, harapan melambung tinggi; in the full ~ of, pd kemuncak: in the full ~ of youth, pd /kemuncak, puncak/ keremajaan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pleasure | n 1. feeling of happiness or satisfaction, gembira: a gift that has given her much ~, hadiah yg membuatnya sungguh gembira; 2. st that makes one happy or satisfied, keseronokan, nikmat: eating is one of the ~s of life, makan ialah salah satu nikmat dlm hidup; 3. st done for enjoyment, keseronokan, berseronok(-seronok): she has gone to Singapore for work not for ~, dia ke Singapura krn tugas bukan utk berseronok; you must put duty before ~, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
renunciation | n 1. giving up, pelepasan, melepaskan: his ~ of the throne, pelepasan takhta baginda; 2. rejection, penolakan, menolak, meninggalkan: a ~ of all worldly pleasures, menolak segala nikmat duniawi; 3. formal severance of relations, perbuatan tdk mengaku: his ~ of his son caused a scandal, perbuatannya tdk mengaku anak telah menimbulkan skandal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
experience | vt 1. undergo, mengalami: the country has ~d great changes recently, negara itu telah mengalami perubahan-perubahan besar kebelakangan ini; 2. feel, merasai, mengalami: to ~ pleasure, merasai nikmat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
satiety | n (fml) a. state of being too full, muak, terlalu kenyang; b. state of being satisfied beyond capacity, muak, jelak: they indulged themselves in worldly pleasures to the point of ~, mereka menurutkan hati mengecap segala nikmat dunia sehingga naik jelak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |