more | any ~, lagi: have you got any ~?, kamu ada lagi?; neither ~ nor less, no ~ no less, tdk lebih dan tdk kurang: he gave each of his assistants $300, no ~ no less, dia memberi setiap pembantunya $300, tdk lebih dan tdk kurang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
nothing | no ~, (colloq) tak ada apa-apa pun: no shoes, no sandals, no slippers, no ~, tak ada kasut, tak ada sandal, tak ada selipar, tak ada apa-apa pun; not for ~, bukan saja-saja: it was not for ~ that many of us were sent abroad, bukan saja-saja kami dihantar ke luar negeri; there is ~ /in, to/ it, a. be untrue, tdk ada kebenarannya: whatever gossip you’ve heard about me, there is ~ in it, apa saja desas-desus yg kamu dengar ttg saya, tdk ada kebenarannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
no-no | n (colloq) tak boleh: bringing comics to school is a ~, tak boleh membawa komik ke sekolah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
near | as ~ as /makes no difference, no matter /, lebih kurang begitu: they own 2,000 ha. of land, or as ~ as makes no difference, mereka memiliki tanah seluas 2,000 ha. atau lebih kurang begitu; /come, draw, get/ ~(er), (makin) mendekat, makin dekat: the child came a couple of steps ~er, kanak-kanak itu mendekat dua tiga langkah; the train was getting ~ to the station, kereta api itu makin dekat dgn stesen; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
need | there is no ~, tdk perlu; (colloq) tak /usah, payah/: "Shall I drive you to the office?" "No thanks, there’s no ~: Ismail’s taking me", "Saya hantar kamu ke pejabat?" "Tak usahlah, terima kasih: nanti Ismail hantar saya"; there is no ~ /for, to do/ st, tdk perlu [v]: fortunately, there was no ~ for violence, untunglah tdk perlu digunakan kekerasan; there’s no ~ for you to be afraid, kamu tdk perlu takut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
end | make (both) ~s meet,no ~, (colloq) banyak: that has helped me no ~, itu banyak menolong saya; no ~ of, (colloq ), [various translations]: I had no ~ of work, saya ada banyak kerja; it’ll cost me no ~ of money, harganya tinggi; no ~ of os, menganggap diri sso besar: she thinks no ~ of herself, dia menganggap dirinya besar; on ~, continuously, [no specif translation]: she talks for hours on ~, dia bercakap berjam-jam lamanya; he claimed he could go without food for weeks on ~, dia mengatakan bahawa dia tahan tdk makan berminggu-minggu lamanya; place st on (its) ~, menegakkan sst; /put, make/ an ~ to, menghentikan; the ~s of the earth, segala /pelosok dunia, ceruk rantau/; without ~, tdk /putus-putus, henti-hentinya, habis-habis/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inclination | have no ~, tdk berhasrat: I have no ~ to change my life style, saya tdk berhasrat utk menukar cara hidup saya; show no ~, tdk menunjukkan bahawa [sso] /ingin, hendak/: he showed no ~ to help us, dia tdk menunjukkan bahawa dia hendak membantu kami; 5. tendency, disposition, kecenderungan, cenderung: she has an ~ for music, dia mempunyai kecenderungan dlm bidang muzik; a man who has an ~ to stoutness, lelaki yg cenderung menjadi gemuk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
harm | come to no ~, tdk apa-apa: he came to no ~ in the accident, dia tdk apa-apa dlm kemalangan itu; mean no ~, tdk /berniat buruk, bermaksud apa-apa/; no ~ done, tdk apa-apa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
less | in ~ than no time, sekejap saja (lagi): I’ll be back in ~ than no time, sekejap saja lagi saya akan pulang; the more..., the ~..., lebih banyak... lebih...; /much, still, even/, apatah lagi: I don’t believe he was careless, still ~ that he did it deliberately, saya tdk percaya dia cuai, apatah lagi melakukannya secara sengaja; no ~, [various translations]: “Who’s at the door?” “It’s your boss, no ~!”, “Siapa di pintu itu?,” “Bos kamu sendiri!”; “What did he bet?” “One thousand dollars, no ~!”, “Apa dipertaruhkannya?” “Seribu ringgit, kamu tahu!,”; they were discussing nuclear disarmanent, no ~!, bukan main-main, yg dibincangkan ialah perlucutan senjata nuklear; no ~ than..., tdk kurang drpd: there was no ~ than a ton of gold in the ship’s hold, tdk kurang drpd satu tan emas dlm palka kapal itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
less | in ~ than no time, sekejap saja (lagi): I’ll be back in ~ than no time, sekejap saja lagi saya akan pulang; the more..., the ~..., lebih banyak... lebih...; /much, still, even/, apatah lagi: I don’t believe he was careless, still ~ that he did it deliberately, saya tdk percaya dia cuai, apatah lagi melakukannya secara sengaja; no ~, [various translations]: “Who’s at the door?” “It’s your boss, no ~!”, “Siapa di pintu itu?,” “Bos kamu sendiri!”; “What did he bet?” “One thousand dollars, no ~!”, “Apa dipertaruhkannya?” “Seribu ringgit, kamu tahu!,”; they were discussing nuclear disarmanent, no ~!, bukan main-main, yg dibincangkan ialah perlucutan senjata nuklear; no ~ than..., tdk kurang drpd: there was no ~ than a ton of gold in the ship’s hold, tdk kurang drpd satu tan emas dlm palka kapal itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |