nomad | n 1. member of tribe who moves from place to place, orang nomad: the ~s of Central Asia, orang-orang nomad Asia Tengah; 2. wanderer, kelana, pengembara. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
nomadic | adj 1. (of tribe, society, etc) nomad: the Bedouins were a ~ people, kaum Badui ialah orang-orang nomad; 2. wandering from place to place, berkelana, mengembara: a ~ way of life, cara hidup berkelana. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
people | vt populate, inhabit, mendiami: a region ~d by nomadic tribes, daerah yg didiami oleh puak nomad. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
tribesman | n 1. a group of people of the same race sharing the same customs, religion, etc, puak, suku, kabilah: nomadic ~s, puak nomad; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
soul | 5. (of nation, people, etc) jiwa: no other book has captured the ~ of the Kalahari nomads like this, tdk ada buku yg telah dapat menghayati jiwa kaum nomad Kalahari spt buku ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
harsh | adj 1. unpleasant, grating to the senses, a. (rel to texture) kasar: that material is too ~ for the baby to wear, kain itu terlalu kasar utk dipakai oleh bayi; b. (of colour) garang: the room was decorated in ~ colours, bilik itu dihiasi dgn warna-warna yg garang; c. (of light) menyilaukan mata: in the ~ light, dlm cahaya yg menyilaukan mata; d. (of voice) kasar, garau; e. (of sound) menyakitkan telinga; 2. severe, hard, a. (of person, person’s action) keras: he is very ~ with his children, dia terlalu keras dgn anak-anaknya; the punishment was too ~, hukuman itu terlalu keras; b. (of face, features) cenge, garang; c. (of words etc) kasar, kesat; d. (of weather etc) teruk: the ~ polar weather, cuaca kutub yg teruk; e. (of life, condition) penuh kepayahan: the ~ life of a nomad, hidup nomad yg penuh kepayahan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unsettled | adj a. disturbed, not calm or tranquil, tdk /tenang, tenteram/: the ~ conditions before the outbreak of the war, keadaan yg tdk tenang sebelum tercetusnya peperangan itu; b. (of weather) changeable, tdk tetap, berubah-ubah; c. not resolved, /tdk, belum/ selesai: many of the questions remain ~, banyak persoalan itu yg masih tdk selesai lagi; d. unstable, tdk stabil: an ~ period in the history of our country, masa yg tdk stabil dlm sejarah negara kita; e. not living in one place, hidup tdk menetap: the ~ nomads, nomad yg hidup tdk menetap; f. not inhabited or populated, tdk berpenduduk: the vast ~ area west of the mountains, kawasan luas yg tdk berpenduduk di sebelah barat gunung itu; g. not disposed of according to the law, belum diselesaikan; (of debts) belum lunas: his father’s estate is still ~, harta pusaka bapanya masih belum diselesaikan; debts that still remain ~, hutang yg masih belum lunas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |