norm | n norma: social ~s, norma-norma sosial; persons who conform to the ~s of their society, orang-orang yg mematuhi norma-norma masyarakatnya; this is well below the ~ set by the government, ini jauh lebih rendah drpd norma yg ditetapkan oleh kerajaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
aberration | n penyimpangan, aberasi: an ~ from the norms of behaviour, penyimpangan drpd norma-norma tatasusila. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
propriety | n (fml) 1. suitability, kesesuaian: I question the ~ of allowing the child to be present, saya mempersoalkan kesesuaian membenarkan budak itu hadir; 2. a. decorum, morals, kesopanan: she threw ~ to the winds and eloped with the man, dia mengetepikan kesopanan dan lari bersama lelaki itu; b. (in pl) accepted rules of correct behaviour, norma-norma susila, tatasusila: they are the sort of people who always observe the proprieties, mereka jenis orang yg selalu mematuhi norma-norma susila. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
live 1 | ~ by, a. have o’s home next to, tinggal dekat: she ~s by the river, dia tinggal dekat sungai; b. see vi (sense 3. ); c. live according to (certain principles etc) hidup berpandukan: most people try to ~ by the norms of society, kebanyakan orang cuba hidup berpandukan norma-norma masyarakat; ~ by os, hidup bersendirian: she has been living by herself since her divorce, dia hidup bersendirian sejak bercerai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
born | c. having stated name from birth, /lahir, dilahirkan/ dgn nama: she was ~ Norma Jean, dia dilahirkan dgn nama Norma Jean; d. be destined from birth, ditakdirkan: ~ to be king, ditakdirkan menjadi raja; e. come into existence, lahir: the underground movement was ~ in the early years of the war, gerakan bawah tanah itu lahir pd tahun-tahun awal peperangan; ~ and bred, dilahirkan dan dibesarkan: he was ~ and bred a Muslim, dia dilahirkan dan dibesarkan sbg orang Islam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
morality play | his conduct shows an entire lack of ~, kelakuannya benar-benar menunjukkan dia tdk ada norma kesusilaan; 3. rightness of behaviour, conduct, etc, kebenaran: political ~ is questionable, kebenaran dlm dunia politik boleh diperso | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
standard | b. (fig.) ukuran: there is no absolute ~ by which one can judge the morality of others, tdk ada ukuran mutlak bagi seseorang utk menentukan norma kesusilaan orang lain; by Asian ~s, mengikut ukuran orang Asia; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
morality | n 1. system of principles of behaviour, prinsip moral: the change in traditional ~, perubahan yg berlaku pd prinsip-prinsip moral tradisional; 2. conforming to what a person considers right, norma kesusilaan: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |