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pagar (kata nama)
Bersinonim dengan pagar pokok, pagar hidup, pagar renek, pagar kawat, pagar pancang, pagar sua;,
Kata Terbitan : berpagar, berpagarkan, memagar, memagari,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

hedge<i>ni> 1. <i>row of bushes,i> pagar /pokok renek, hidup/; (<i>when the type is specifiedi>) pagar: <i>a high ~ separated the two houses,i> pagar pokok renek yg tinggi memisahkan dua buah rumah itu; <i>hibiscus ~,i> pagar pokok bunga raya; 2. (<i>financei>) lindung nilai: <i>a wise investment can be a ~ against inflation,i> pelaburan yg bijak boleh menjadi lindung nilai utk mencegah inflasi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fence<i>ni> 1. <i>wall-like structurei>, pagar: <i>wire ~i>, pagar dawai; come down on one side of the ~, menyokong sebelah pihak; come down on the right side of the ~, berpihak kpd yg menang; mend o’s ~s, berdamai, berbaik-baik semula; /sit, be / on the ~, berkecuali, tdk /berpihak, memihak/ ke mana-mana; 2. (<i>sli>) <i>receiver of stolen goodsi>, tukang tadah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hurdle<i>ni>1. <i>frame for jumping over or for temporary fencing,i> pagar (lompat): <i>the first runner is over the last ~,i> pelari pertama telah melepasi pagar lompat yg terakhir; 2. (<i>in pli>), (<i>sporti>) acara lompat pagar: <i>he hopes to win the ~s,i> dia berharap akan memenangi acara lompat pagar; 3. (<i>fig.i>) <i>obstacle,i> halangan, rintangan: <i>the interview on Monday is the final ~ that he must take,i> temu duga pd hari Isnin ini merupakan rintangan yg terakhir yg harus dihadapinya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
gate<i>ni> 1. <i>doorlike structure in fence, wall, etc,i> a. (<i>geni>) pintu pagar: <i>my backyard has a ~,i> kawasan belakang rumah saya berpintu pagar; b. (<i>of railwayi>) pagar (kereta api); c. (<i>of walled cityi>) pintu kota; d. (<i>of palace, templei>) pintu gerbang, gapura; e. (<i>of canal, dami>) pintu air; 2. <i>numbered exit leading to aircraft,i> pintu: <i>to board the aircraft from ~ 8,i> menaiki kapal terbang melalui pintu nombor 8; 3. <i>mountain pass,i> genting; 4. <i>total attendance at sporting events,i> jumlah penonton; 5. <i>seei> GATE MONEY.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fencing<i>n i> 1. <i>sword-playi>, (seni) bermain pedang; 2. a. <i>material for construction of fencesi>, bahan pagar; b. <i>fencesi>, pagar.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
jump<i>vti> 1. <i>leap over,i> melompati, meloncati: <i>to ~ a hurdle,i> melompati pagar lompat; 2. <i>cause to leap,i> melompatkan, meloncatkan: <i>he ~ed the horse over the fence,i> dia melompatkan kuda itu melampaui pagar; 3. <i>skip over,i> melangkaui: <i>to ~ a chapter,i> melangkaui satu bab; 4. (<i>colloqi>) <i>pounce on, attack suddenly,i> menyerang: <i>the thug ~ed him in the subway,i> penjahat itu menyerangnya di jalan bawah; 5. <i>passi> (<i>red traffic-lighti>) mendahului: <i>he was fined for ~ing the red light,i> dia didenda krn mendahului lampu merah; 6. (<i>of traini>) <i>leavei> (<i>tracki>) tergelincir dr: <i>a goods train ~ed the rails about ten kilometres from Gemas,i> kereta api barang tergelincir dr landasan lebih kurang sepuluh kilometer dr Gemas;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
perch 1 <i>vi rest on st highi>, a. (<i>of bird, hen, etci>) bertenggek, bertengger: <i>the doves ~ed on the fencei>, burung-burung merpati itu bertenggek di atas pagar; b. (<i>of person, statuei>) bertenggek: <i>the model ~ed on the bonnet of the Ferrarii>, model itu bertenggek di bonet kereta Ferrari; <i>a pair of marble lions ~ on stone pillars at the gatei>, sepasang singa marmar bertenggek di atas tiang batu pintu pagar itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
post 1<i>ni> 1. <i>pole, pillari>, tiang: <i>gate ~si>, tiang pintu pagar; <i>flag ~i>, tiang bendera; 2. <i>pole marking the starting or finishing point of the racei>, tiang: <i>starting ~i>, tiang tempat permulaan; 3. (<i>colloqi>)<i> goalposti>, tiang gol;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
lean 1 <i>vii> 1. <i>incline,i> condong, senget, sendeng: <i>the fence post ~s slightly to the left,i> tiang pagar itu condong sedikit ke kiri; 2. <i>usu ~ against, rest for support,i> a. <i>(of person)i> bersandar: <i>the little girl ~ed against her mother,i> budak perempuan itu bersandar pd ibunya; b. <i>(of thing)i> tersandar pd: <i>the ladder was ~ing against the wall,i> tangga itu tersandar pd dinding;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
lean 1 <i>vii> 1. <i>incline,i> condong, senget, sendeng: <i>the fence post ~s slightly to the left,i> tiang pagar itu condong sedikit ke kiri; 2. <i>usu ~ against, rest for support,i> a. <i>(of person)i> bersandar: <i>the little girl ~ed against her mother,i> budak perempuan itu bersandar pd ibunya; b. <i>(of thing)i> tersandar pd: <i>the ladder was ~ing against the wall,i> tangga itu tersandar pd dinding;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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