patriotic | adj patriotik, setia negara: ~ songs, lagu-lagu patriotik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
keep | b. maintain morale, courage, spirit, etc, supaya [sst] tdk + approp adj: they kept their spirits up by singing patriotic songs, mereka menyanyikan lagu-lagu patriotik supaya semangat mereka tdk luntur; c. take care of st | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blaze1 | n 1. strong, bright flame, api (yg marak): the ~ could be seen for miles, api itu dapat dilihat berbatu-batu jauhnya; burst into a ~, memarak; 2. fire, (consuming building etc) api (kebakaran): the firemen managed to put out the ~, pasukan bomba berjaya memadamkan api kebakaran itu; be in a ~, dijilat api; 3. brilliance, (of lights, colour) bersemarak: the flower-beds were a ~ of reds, violets and yellows, batas-batas bunga itu bersemarak dgn warna merah, ungu dan kuning; 4. intense outburst (of feelings), [approp n] yg /berapi-api, bernyala-nyala, meluap-luap/: a ~ of anger, kemarahan yg berapi-api; a ~ of patriotism, semangat patriotik yg meluap-luap; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |